The benefits of yogurt for weight loss and other areas of health. What is important to know about the rules of use and theoretical harm of yogurt


Yogurt is a special fermented milk product in taste and healthy qualities. Its daily use can be recommended for both healthy and therapeutic nutrition, suitable for all ages.

What can be said about the relationship between the taste, composition and benefits of yogurt

Very approximately yogurt can be compared to natural yogurt without additives or yogurt, sometimes the consistency of this white product is such that it is better to drink, sometimes it is more convenient to eat with a spoon. The taste of yogurt is saturated, moderately sour and with a pleasant pungency.

For the preparation of yogurt, different milk is used - cow, sheep, goat, and sometimes they are mixed with each other, and a special sourdough is also required, the basis of which is lactic heat-loving streptococci and Bulgarian bacillus. Having no sourdough in your hands, it is difficult to make yogurt at home, but theoretically, a good product is obtained by fermenting milk with yogurt leftovers.

Frequent use of yogurt positively affects the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, heals it and prevents the growth of pathogenic bacteria, and also improves the speed and quality of absorption of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances through the walls of the gastrointestinal tract.

Only about 600 kcal is contained in the whole liter of yogurt, so it can be safely recommended for menus on long diets and on fasting days.

But this is the benefit of yogurt for those who want to lose weight and keep their figure flawless, of course, not limited to:

· Matsoni can be recommended as an aid in the fight against cellulite, because proper nutrition helps to get rid of it twice as fast, and matsoni has vitamins A, E and almost all of group B - a complex for the production of elastin with collagen, lipid breakdown and recovery skin structure;

Due to the anabolic properties of the composition, yogurt is useful for gaining muscle mass.

Yogurt is characterized by a low glycemic index (GI) of only 20 units, due to which it is classified as a product permitted by diabetics.

The special value of milk proteins from fermented milk products is explained by the fact that they are present in them in a partially broken state, which increases their digestibility.

Together with the abundance of amino acids, this protein benefit makes yogurt a real sour-milk energetic, a source of "building material" for the body, which will be appreciated by those who lead a healthy, athletic lifestyle, as well as those who follow a vegetarian diet, in which it is important to have something on the table. that replaces the benefits of meat.

17 mineral compounds are fully represented in yoghurt, among which it is worth noting, first of all, of course, calcium and potassium - yoghurt is not inferior to cottage cheese in their content.

These substances are necessary to strengthen the heart muscle and the correct metabolic processes of the body.

Also in matsoni is high in phosphorus, sodium, vitamins K and C.

If you evaluate the composition of yogurt comprehensively, it has the greatest impact on:

· Normalization of blood pressure with hypertension;

· Vision (improves farsightedness and vision of the world at dusk);

· Lowering blood cholesterol;

· Relief of symptoms of diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses;

· The best work of the brain (especially its areas responsible for the speed of reaction and memorization of new information).

In addition, yogurt is useful for the strength (and prevention of fungal diseases) of nails, health and a luxurious look of hair (prevents dryness and brittleness, saturates with moisture).

How to use yogurt with benefit and pleasure

Matsoni is not only drunk, but also used in various ways in cooking - for okroshka, sauces, cocktails with granola, desserts, marinating meat, dressing salads, it even makes dough for baked pies.

As for fruits and berries, they are fresh, of course, very tasty combined with yogurt, but are able to destroy sour-milk bacteria, so it is better to take canned berries and fruits, or at least frozen ones (after it their properties also change) .

Drunk an hour before lunch or dinner, yogurt will arouse appetite and allow you to not feel discomfort in the stomach after a heavy, heavy meal.

Matsoni perfectly saturates, and in the summer - quenches thirst and refreshes.

It is equally useful both chilled and warm.

It is important to note that this drink does not create a burden on the gastrointestinal tract, completely absorbed literally in an hour. But still - it is not recommended to drink it more than 1-1.5 liters per day.

When will the yogurt be beneficial?

The fame of yogurt as a drink of youth, health and longevity moved to the field of legends centuries ago, but today, with the discoveries of scientists and nutritionists, it can be argued that yogurt is one of the most useful fermented milk products in the world.

One of the fundamentals of human health is a good metabolism and yogurt wonderful activates it, largely due to organic acids and choline (vitamin B4).

Also, it cleanses the body of toxins and salts of heavy metals, and it is well known that the "contamination" of the body is one of the initial causes of many diseases.

Matsoni improves overall well-being and perfectly supports the body, increasing vitality during periods of depletion, caused, for example, by serious illnesses or metabolic disorders as a result of diet programs that involve eating a strictly limited set of products that are not able to provide a person with all the necessary substances.

Matsoni should be drunk with ARVI, because in addition to restoring strength, the drink is able to support the action of antiviral and antipyretic drugs, as well as neutralize the negative effect of antibiotics on the body, which almost always accompanies their benefits.

If yogurt regularly appears on the menu, this will certainly affect the following:

· Improving heart function, including the prevention of angina pectoris;

· Normalization of the pancreas;

· Lowering blood sugar;

· Increasing the strength and elasticity of blood vessels.

Like any fermented milk product, yogurt is useful for strengthening bone tissue and healing fractures, preventing osteoporosis in the elderly and forming the skeleton in children.

But the special set and balance of valuable substances in yogurt also give it a unique benefit for the treatment of diseases of the spine and joints.

Can there be harm from yogurt

In case of disturbances in the digestive system, accompanied by increased acidity of the gastric juice, yogurt without harm can be consumed only in small quantities, following the individual reaction - there should be no deterioration in well-being.

With hepatitis and exacerbation of pancreatitis, it is better to completely abandon this drink so that there is no harm from yogurt.

Also, so that there is no harm from yogurt, attention and medical advice require disorders in the work of the kidneys and gall bladder - in case of serious diseases, sour-milk drinks used in abundance can provoke the formation of stones and sand in these organs.


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