Signs of rabies in cats: how to recognize a dangerous disease. What to do if a cat has signs of rabies


Rabies is a life-threatening disease, it always ends in death. The virus is dangerous not only for cats, but also for humans. Compliance with prevention is the only measure of protection against this disease.

What is rabies and how does infection occur

The development of the disease, which is called "Rabies," causes the microorganism Rabiesvirus. There are other names for the disease - hydrophobia and hydrophobia. The virus enters the body and causes the development of inflammation of the brain (meningoencephalitis), and also leads to damage and destruction of nerve cells.

Rabiesvirus is transmitted to cats from sick animals through biological fluids - blood and saliva. The main carriers are small rodents, foxes, badgers, wolves and other wild animals.

Infection can occur in the following situations:

• the cat ate or bit the rabies mouse, rat, or other small animal;

• the pet was bitten by an infected animal (when it is bitten, saliva containing the virus is introduced into the cat’s blood);

• saliva of the virus carrier has got into the wounds and scratches that are on the cat’s body (for example, during licking).

After the pathogen enters the blood, an incubation period begins, which lasts from 10 days to 1 year (such cases are rare). At this time, there is already a danger to others, even if the cat does not yet show signs of rabies.

Stages and forms of rabies in cats and their symptoms

Rabies can occur in three different forms:

1. Atypical - is least likely to occur. It is difficult to diagnose, as the symptoms are similar to many diseases. The duration of this form is up to 3 months, and sometimes more. The cat has signs of intestinal upset: diarrhea or constipation, vomiting, weight loss. The animal falls into apathy, becomes lethargic. The treatment of the symptoms does not bring any result, and as a result the cat dies.

2. Paralytic or silent - lasts up to 3-5 days. In an animal, the muscles of the body are gradually paralyzed, with paralysis starting from the site of virus entry into the body. As a result, the cat's jaw sags, which leads to profuse salivation, and after 1-2 days the pet falls into a coma and dies.

3. Violent - found in most cases. This form proceeds very brightly and is divided into three stages: prodromal (or initial), manic and paralytic.

How the violent form flows

During the first prodromal stage, which lasts from 1 to 4 days, such signs of rabies are observed in a cat: it becomes very affectionate, then it can become unsociable. The animal worries, licks the wound in which the virus got. The appetite is distorted (the pet actively eats rags, twigs, chips, plastic, etc.). Toward the end of the stage, salivation appears, the cat is sick, she begins to hide and get scared.

At the second (or manic) stage, which lasts 2-3 days, the pet sharply becomes very irritable and aggressive, attacks the owners, other animals. Some cats gnaw the earth, tear surrounding objects. By the end of the stage, seizures develop, body temperature rises to 41 degrees. The cat paralyzes the muscles of the limbs, jaw. The pet cannot eat; he is drooling.

Toward the end of the manic stage, a fear of light and water develops, and if the animal is provoked with a loud sound or a bright flash, he may experience an attack of aggression.

The third stage of rabies is characterized by the rapid spread of paralysis throughout the body. The cat cannot move, it is rapidly losing weight, does not control its actions and dies in 2-4 days.

How cats are diagnosed and treated with rabies

Currently, there are no methods that would accurately diagnose the disease in life. If the cat has signs of rabies, it is sent to quarantine, where it is kept for 2 weeks. Treatment has not been developed, so sick animals must be isolated, and then destroyed.

An accurate diagnosis is made only posthumously. At the same time, the brain cells of the deceased animal are studied in the laboratory by the immunofluorescence method.

When opened in the stomach, cats find inedible objects. Numerous hemorrhages and rabies-specific Babesha Negri bodies are found in the pet's brain.

Danger of rabies for humans

Rabies is a deadly threat not only to pets, but also to owners. It is not always possible to timely recognize the signs of the disease, especially in the first stage. The animal becomes affectionate, licks its hands, and if there are cracks or wounds on the skin, there is a risk of infection through saliva.

If a person has been in close contact with a sick pet or has been attacked, consult a doctor as soon as possible. The clinic puts drugs that can save a life, but they will not bring the desired effect if the first signs of the disease appear: weakness, muscle pain, vomiting, insomnia, fear, hallucinations.

Prevention of rabies in cats

Local veterinary stations monitor the epidemiological situation and, when a dog, cat with signs of rabies or another infected animal is found, is quarantined.

The only effective preventive measure is regular vaccination of pets. Vaccination can be delivered free of charge; state veterinary stations offer such a service. The doctor must make a note about the introduction of the vaccine in the cat’s passport and stamp it.

Rabies vaccines are also on sale, which reliably protect the animal from a dangerous virus:

• NobivacRabies (protects a cat for 3 years);

• Quadric (duration of action - 12 months);

• Purevax RCPRabies (forms immunity from rabies for 3 years);

• Biofel PCHR (protects the pet for 12 months).

Before vaccination, deworming of a cat must be carried out with the help of tablets or suspensions (Kanikvantel, Prazitel, Milbemaks, etc.). The vaccine is given in 10-14 days.


Watch the video: When Cats Bite: 1 in 3 Patients with Cat Bites to Hand Hospitalized, Infections Common, Mayo Finds (July 2024).