Sucrazite is the benefit of a universal sweetener. How does it affect the body and whether there can be harm from Sukrazit


Excluding sugar from the diet may be necessary for a number of reasons - from indications in connection with a number of diseases (among which diabetes has been leading for decades), to a decision in this way to reduce carbohydrate intake, because you want to lose weight.

And one of the best synthetic sweeteners is Sukrazit.

What is the benefit of Sukrazit, what it consists of and how to use it correctly

The main component that creates, in fact, all the benefits of Sucrazite is sodium saccharin, the oldest of the popular sugar substitutes (discovered at the end of the 19th century), designated on food packaging as E954.

But in each tablet of Sukrazit, the proportion of saccharin is only about 25%. The next most important components are soda, which provides its best connection with food and drinks (approximately 50%) and acting as a regulator of acidity (preservative) fumaric acid (approximately 10%).

Some manufacturers enrich the basic composition of the drug with calcium and vitamins.

More often it is possible to meet Sukrazit in the form of tablets, but it also happens in the form of powder, syrup.

1 tablet of the drug is comparable in level of achievement with its help sweets with 1 teaspoon of ordinary sugar.

The calculation of the maximum dose of sukrazit (on the example of tablets) is based on the permissible daily intake of saccharin - 0.005 g per 1 kg of human weight.

With a weight of 60 kg, the dose of saccharin will be 0.3 g or 300 mg.

Given that 1 tablet of Sukrazit contains 0.02 g of saccharin, up to 15 tablets can be completely freely consumed per day.

Sucrazite in any form dissolves perfectly, mixes with food and drinks, and moreover, neither its benefits, nor digestibility are lost when combined with something hot or cold (but it dissolves a little longer in a cool one).

Due to this, it can be widely used in everyday nutrition - add it to tea or coffee, milk porridge, cook jelly with it or make ice cream, you can even cook pastries with it.

Many note such a drawback of Sukrazit as its taste, noticeable not only in its pure form, but also after mixing the drug with food and drinks. They characterize it as "tablet", "metal". In general, this alternative is not as familiar in taste as beet sugar, and certainly not as sophisticated as cane sugar.

This is partly why Sukrazit is on sale with flavors and additives that create shades of "lemon", "vanilla" or "creamy".

If we pay attention to, say, the more significant characteristics of the drug, which form its useful properties, which, in turn, explain its popularity, then the following simple picture will emerge.

· Succrazite has a zero glycemic index, that is, it is not at all able to increase blood sugar, which is literally vital and very useful for diabetes;

· Succrazite does not contain carbohydrates, which means it is not able to bring new calories to the body, and this can be of great importance not only for those who want to lose weight, but also for those who have already brought it back to normal, and now wants to “build” a new body through intense training.

This, in fact, exhausts the main thing that can be said about the benefits of Sukrazit.

The drug is not absorbed by the body at all, is not digested in any way and is simply eliminated from it through the urinary system a few hours after ingestion, and after 36-48 hours, there are no traces of its presence in the body.

How else is the benefits of Sukrazit

Adding Sucrazite to the daily diet has, undoubtedly, such a positive side, that even with the appropriate diagnosis or with a strict diet, it is possible to change your eating habits and addictions to a minimum.

It is known that, unlike traditional sugar, this drug does not have a destructive effect on tooth enamel, which serves as a prophylaxis for many diseases, including caries.

But these additional positive characteristics of the drug are not limited to:

· In comparison with other artificial sweeteners, in Sukrazit the content of carcinogenic substances tends to zero;

· There is evidence that saccharin has a bactericidal effect that can withstand pathogenic processes of bacteriological origin in the digestive tract;

· Due to the content of soda, the drug provides prevention of heartburn, and also establishes the withdrawal of excess fluid from the body.

How do the beneficial properties and harm of sukrasit relate

According to nutritionists, the harm of Sukrazit, unfortunately, is inextricably linked to its benefits.

The fact is that, as already mentioned, it is not absorbed by the body and only creates the "illusion of sweetness."

But the human brain receives impulses corresponding to the normal use of sweet and all the body's vital systems rightly expect the intake of carbohydrates. Which, of course, with a "dummy" Sukrazit not expected.

Against this background, an appetite arises that can further turn into a strong feeling of hunger, so the choice of Sukrazit as a means of weight loss for a beautiful figure can be called into question. If you sweeten everything to them without measure - there will be, firstly, stress from a vivid sensation of starvation, and secondly, there is a great risk of losing your diet.

In this regard, it is strongly recommended to use Sukrazit along with useful, but also containing enough carbohydrate foods.

With frequent use on an empty stomach, the harm of Sukrazit is manifested in a violation of the digestive tract.

What else could be from Sukrazit harm

According to a number of studies, which, however, have not received the full and unanimous approval of the world scientific community, Sucrazit is likely (and this probability is higher, the more the use of the drug tends to overdose it), can cause:

Weakening of immunity;

Deterioration of the liver;

· Inferiority of assimilation of vitamin biotin (B7), responsible for carbohydrate metabolism;

Exacerbation of diseases of the gallbladder;

· Kidney disease (due to fumaric acid and with prolonged use);

· The development of food allergic reactions.

There will certainly be harm from Sukrazit when consumed with sugar (and if you want and you can use regular sugar, you should wait a day or two before the drug is removed from the body). Such a combination may well provoke the development of hyperglycemia (an increase in blood glucose).

Since the children's body from the moment of its formation in the womb is extremely sensitive to many, including synthetic substances, the use of Sucrasit is contraindicated during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

Its use in case of:

· Advanced age;


· During the recovery period after operations, serious injuries and serious illnesses.

Also, it is better to abandon Sukrazit to those who lead an active lifestyle with an abundance of sports activities.
