Oat milk: benefits when used properly. Is there any harm from oat milk to the body, contraindications?


To look slimmer, sometimes you have to abandon fatty dairy products. Nutritionists came up with a decent vegetable substitute - oat milk. Preparing a delicious nutritious drink is easy - enough water and oatmeal are enough for this.

What is in oat milk: benefits inside the drink

Oat milk is replete with nutrients. In a drink, a lot of carbohydrates and proteins important for the body. It has a lot:

Useful fiber;

Lysine, tryptophan and other important amino acids;

· Many B vitamins (B1, B3, etc.);

· A special enzyme that accelerates and improves the absorption of carbohydrates;

· Silicon, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and other useful minerals.

Healing oatmeal elements are easier for the body to absorb in the liquid "milk" form, rather than in the form of cooked flakes. For people with a sluggish metabolism, this drink will be just right.

Useful properties of oat milk

A drink made from oatmeal has a lot of health benefits. Milk:

· Drives urine and bile, speeds up metabolism. For those who need to lose weight, an oatmeal drink will come in handy. At the same time, vegetable milk also saturates well (although its caloric content is only about 35 calories per 100 g);

· Cleans blood and blood vessels from excess cholesterol, protects against diseases of the heart and blood vessels;

· Protects the intestinal and gastric mucosa from pathogenic microorganisms. Thanks to oat milk constipation, indigestion, bloating go away. The drink helps to quickly get rid of the effects of poisoning, removes diarrhea. People who drink it regularly are much less likely to suffer from gastrointestinal diseases (ulcers, gastritis, etc.);

· Protects the pancreas, liver and gall bladder from harmful microorganisms. Relieves symptoms in patients with pancreatitis, cholecystitis and hepatitis;

· Good effect on brain function, improves concentration and memory. Tones up, returns vigor, makes it more efficient.

A product positively affects the human psyche. The drink stabilizes mood, helps to get out of depression and is easier to survive stress.

Who benefits from oat milk

Oat milk is very useful:

· Children with allergies to milk, and to everyone who suffers intolerance to lactose and casein. For a growing organism with its great need for calcium, the product is especially important. The "bone builder" in it is no less than in animal milk;

· Young mothers who are breastfeeding. Giving a drink to babies who are less than six months old is not worth it. But if the baby is older, then as an extra meal, oat product is quite suitable. By its biological properties, it is almost inferior to breast milk;

· People who have recently been operated on undergo intensive care;

· Everyone who regularly plays sports.

Oat milk is also very useful for people of retirement and pre-retirement age.

Oat milk: benefits depend on quantity. How much, how and when to drink it

You can drink twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. It is preferable not to do this while eating, but about 30-40 minutes before it. Then milk is better absorbed, and also dull the feeling of hunger. This is especially important for people who do not want to overeat. The optimal single dose of the product is equal to half a standard glass.

To everyone on a diet, oat milk can serve:

· A snack;

· Afternoon tea;

· Even a full dinner. Useful substances in it are quite enough. And most importantly, it saturates well - you don’t have to go to bed with a painful feeling of hunger.

To make the drink tastier:

· You can make smoothies. You just need to mix the drink with some fruit (the same banana). The taste of milk will become even better, and many calories will not be added to the product;

· Sweeten with honey. Again, this is a minimum of extra Kcal and more fun;

· Make a delicious fruit or vegetable smoothie based on it. Such a drink is best absorbed in the morning;

· Add some vanilla, cardamom or other spices.

Losing weight can also use oat milk for a fasting day. But here it is important not to overdo it: it is better not to consume more than 1.5-2 liters of a nutritious drink. Milk oat day gives excellent results. On average, such a one-time unloading eliminates 2-3 kg.

It should be remembered that oatmeal is a very strong diuretic. Therefore, in order not to get into an awkward situation, it is better to arrange a fasting day at the weekend when you do not need to go to work.

Those for whom pleasure is more important than losing weight can add the product to baking or pudding.

Oat milk: benefits for skin and hair

Oat milk can not only be drunk, but also used for body care. This drink is a good moisturizer for the skin of the face. Milk:

· Regenerates cells;

· Narrows too expanded pores;

· Makes the skin more elastic;

· Returns her healthy appearance.

Also, the drink relieves skin irritations, removes acne and rashes.

You can simply anoint your face with oat milk - in this case, its effect will be primarily tonic. Also with its help you can make a nourishing mask. Lubricating your face with a product is best twice a day - before you go to bed, and after waking up. The procedure is very simple. You just need to moisten a cotton swab or disk in milk, and then gently, without stretching and not crushing the skin, move them in the face.

Applying a mask is also not difficult. Simply:

· Apply a thin layer of the drink on the front of the head;

· Do not touch the area directly around the eyes;

· Then rinse with lukewarm water.

After an oatmeal mask, it is not recommended to go outside for at least 2-3 hours. Especially if the weather is cool or windy. The best time for the procedure is before you go to bed.

In addition to the face, oat milk is also good for hair. The mask of the drink makes them softer, moisturizes and strengthens well. For brittle hair, it is especially useful. You can cover the mask with all the strands, and only their split ends. The procedure is as follows:

· Hair is washed and dried well;

· Apply a mask. Do not touch 15-20 minutes;

· Wash off with lukewarm water.

As with the face, it is better not to go outside after the procedure for a couple of hours, even if the weather is sunny outside. It is preferable to do a mask in the evening before going to bed.

Oat milk: harm and contraindications

Oat milk is good for almost everyone. He has very few contraindications. Drink a drink should not:

· People allergic to cereal plants. The product is especially not recommended for drinking for those who are intolerant of gluten (gluten) - a problem often leading to intestinal disease - celiac disease. There is a lot of gluten in oats, wheat, rye and other cereal crops;

· People with osteoporosis. Compound oatmeal - phytic acid - is unsafe for people with this disease;

Diabetics. In oats, a large amount of starch, and, consequently, glucose. Therefore, it is undesirable to drink a drink for patients with diabetes;

· People with severe forms of various intestinal diseases in the phase of their exacerbation;

Also, oat milk is not recommended for drinking with a suffering kidney disease - glomerulonephritis. The drink has a lot of calcium, which in large quantities is harmful to people with this disease.

The benefits of oat milk are significant. You can drink it for almost everyone, but in moderation. Then oat milk will not bring harm, and the body will receive many healing substances.


Watch the video: Benefits of dates with milk you should know (June 2024).