E211 - sodium benzoate: useful and harmful properties of a preservative. Why is sodium benzoate so dangerous for the body?


Nutritional supplements surround modern man from all sides. Preservatives, emulsifiers and colorants are a common component of the ordinary product on a shelf in a grocery store. The preservative sodium benzoate (E211) is one of them.

Studying the facts about sodium benzoate will make it possible to more accurately assess its positive and negative effects. And it is about E211 that will be discussed in the article.

Sodium Benzoate: General Information

Sodium salt of benzoic acid - is a white coarse crystalline powder or granules without taste and odor or with a slight bitter aroma.

The compound was obtained by the American scientist Hugo Fleck in 1875 during the reaction of benzoic acid and sodium hydroxide.

Used as a dietary supplement since 1908.

Naturally found in raisins, prunes, cranberries, apples, cloves.

Useful properties of preservative

Obviously, E211 exhibits preserving properties, exerting a depressing effect on various mold fungi, yeast, bacteria, as well as enzymes in their cells, which are involved in redox reactions, starch and fat breakdown processes.

In fact, sodium benzoate in its action is similar to an antibiotic, since it inhibits the vital activity of bacteria. Potassium sorbate E202 (potassium salt of sorbic acid) is able to enhance these properties.

Due to its characteristics, sodium benzoate preserves the freshness, usefulness and taste of food products, guaranteeing their safety for a specified shelf life.

It is ubiquitous in the food industry.

Since this supplement is aimed at suppressing microorganisms and other microscopic flora and fauna, talking about its direct benefits to the human body is not entirely correct. However, in fairness, it is worth noting that sodium benzoate is still able to positively affect a person.

Some of its useful properties are:

• Increasing memory and enhancing cognitive abilities;

• Increased growth factors in the brain;

• Decrease in cholesterol - the effect is the same as with statins;

• Decreased inflammation.

Some of these properties are described in more detail below.

Some studies suggest that sodium benzoate has an anti-inflammatory effect and can help with autoimmune diseases. Despite the fact that these studies are not so promising, they show that potassium sorbate and sodium sulfite can suppress immune responses such as Th1, which have an anti-inflammatory effect. Interestingly, sodium benzoate also lowers cholesterol in the same way as statins, by inhibiting an enzyme called 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase. It is in this way that it has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Sodium benzoate inhibits nitric oxide synthases by inhibiting the Kappa-bi nuclear factors (dysregulation of which causes inflammation and autoimmune diseases, as well as a number of other disorders). The inhibition of nitric oxide synthase also reduces the amount of nitric oxide, which has many downward domino effects.

All these mechanisms have quite a lot in common with “anti-inflammatory” herbs. For example, bioavailable curcumin and tea reduce inflammation by the same mechanism.

By increasing the number of regulatory T-lymphocytes, the immune system begins to transfer its own tissue and cancel the process of autoimmune diseases.

Disadvantages and harms of sodium benzoate

It should be understood that people with chronic diseases, the use of sodium benzoate may not be the best idea. In other matters, this also applies to a completely healthy person. There are some side effects associated with excessive consumption of sodium benzoate in foods.

The main danger that E211 poses to humans is its ability to damage parts of DNA. This means that by consuming sodium benzoate today, tomorrow you will harm future generations.

In combination with ascorbic acid (vitamin C, E300), sodium benzoate can form benzene - a particularly toxic substance, which is also known as a carcinogen and a DNA destroyer. As a consequence of this, cell mutations and cancer also occur.

Additional side effects may result from a combination of sodium phenylacetate and E211, including chest pain, severe headache, fainting, slow heartbeat, blurred vision, numbness, drowsiness, and slurred speech. In rare cases, taking sodium benzoate and sodium phenylacetate can lead to more serious side effects, including severe bruising, blood in the stool or urine, vomiting, shortness of breath, and loss of consciousness.

The use of foods and drinks that contain sodium benzoate during pregnancy is not recommended. There have been no studies on humans, but animal studies show adverse effects on the fetus.

Sodium benzoate is also able to provoke allergic reactions when the immune system reacts to a foreign substance. Some people may experience mild symptoms, which include localized itching, coughing, redness, rash, swelling, or constipation. These symptoms usually begin to appear within a few minutes to several hours after ingestion of foods that contain sodium benzoate.

As already noted, this compound in combination with ascorbic acid is transformed into benzene, which, according to studies, causes certain types of cancer. Sodium benzoate is also able to accumulate in the body, which in itself is dangerous, especially for children.

How to detect sodium benzoate?

The presence of this substance in a food product is usually indicated on the label. First of all, E211 is added to acidic products to enhance and preserve their taste and qualities. It can be found in pickles, sauces, mayonnaise, preserves or fruit juices. Products that include vinegar, such as salad dressings, usually have a high sodium benzoate content.

Benzene, a precursor to sodium benzoate, can be found in very small quantities, in its natural form, in some fruits, vegetables, meat, dairy products, and even drinking water. Sodium benzoate is also often added to soft drinks, sweet waters, etc., due to the demand for high fructose corn syrup.

Sodium benzoate increases the acidity of soft drinks, which also increases the intensity of the taste of the drink obtained from corn syrup.

Pay attention to the composition of the product that you buy in the store in order to detect E211 in time and avoid its excessive consumption.

E211 is a common type of preservative for food, beverages and seasonings. And, although benzene is a dangerous carcinogen, in our time, sodium benzoate is considered safe. Probably a small amount of this substance will not kill you, however, it is still better to eat healthy foods and stay away from all kinds of supplements.


Watch the video: Sodium Benzoate E211: Side Effects and Uses (June 2024).