Zone diet: the advantages and disadvantages of the Barry Sears diet. The principles and menu of the zonal diet, on which its quick effect is based


The zone diet was developed by the American nutritionist Barry Sears, therefore it is also known as the Sears Diet. It provides a constant change in nutrition and works on the principle of low-carb diets. The main task is not only weight loss, but also an increase in human activity and performance.

The concept is based on a diet consisting of 30% fat, 30% protein and 40% carbohydrates. With the help of this formula, a person should get his so-called "optimal zone". Ideally, Sears recommends a combination of a zonal diet with any feasible physical activity.

Low insulin + low carbohydrates = recipe for success

Due to the low carbohydrate intake and high protein content, the insulin value is constantly at a low level. Sears believes that fat deposition is triggered mainly by too much fast carbohydrates in the diet and increased insulin levels as a result. Accordingly, if there are no provoking factors, there will be no excess weight.

What does the term "zonal" mean?

This is the optimal balance of hormones in the body. Nutrition, according to Sears, affects hormone levels, which, in turn, affect insulin levels. They slow down or contribute to fat burning, depending on whether hormone levels are high or low. At the same time, a balanced level of hormones significantly improves mood and generally positively affects the overall well-being of a person.

Sears Diet Rules

If we consider the diet in detail, we can distinguish several basic principles: eating every 4.5 hours, three main dishes and two snacks. The goal of regular meals is to maintain hormones and insulin levels to stay in the “zone”.

Each meal is considered a block that is invested in total nutrient intake. Thus, the ratio of the principle of 30-30-40 always remains unchanged.

At the same time, useful and harmful carbohydrates are distinguished: for example, butter made from white wheat flour is considered harmful, as it has a high glycemic index, and oatmeal belongs to the list of products with healthy carbohydrates. In this regard, 40% of carbohydrates should be, first of all, useful. By the way, a sufficient amount of fiber in dishes reduces the total glycemic index.

The basic rule of the zonal diet is as follows: at one meal, 7 g of protein, 9 g of carbohydrates with a low glycemic index and 1.5 g of fat should be ingested. In addition, Sears recommends taking fish oil capsules, as omega-3 fatty acids increase performance.

Sounds complicated? But it works! This low-carb diet requires some prior knowledge of biochemistry and dietary composition. It will also take discipline and willpower to consecutively think through each meal in accordance with the principle of 30-30-40 and the constant calculation of nutrient content. The diet is not suitable for everyone for everyday use, but over time, the efforts and acquired knowledge will certainly facilitate calculations and lead to persistent weight loss to the desired values.

The rules of the zone diet briefly:

- eat every 4.5 hours;

- 5 meals: 3 main, 2 snacks;

- 30% fat, 30% protein, 40% carbohydrates;

- daily intake of fish oil;

- 1.5-2.5 liters of water per day (if there are no problems with the kidneys);

What should be on the table with a zonal diet?

Enough theory! It is worth considering specifically what should be served to the table. In general, anything that complies with rule 30-30-40 is acceptable. Quantity is the key. However, there are some foods that are more suitable for the zonal diet.

Vegetables: artichokes, beans, broccoli, fennel, cucumbers, carrots, cabbage, chickpeas, leeks, lentils, chard, peppers, mushrooms, celery, asparagus, spinach, tomatoes, zucchini, onions.

Fruits: apples, pears, berries, cherries, kiwi, oranges, peaches.

Any seasonal berries.

Fish and meat: perch, sea bream, halibut, herring, salmon, anchovies, chicken, veal, turkey, game.

Other products: skim cheese, olive oil.

If there is no desire or ability to independently determine the nutrient content and thus make perfect dishes, in his book, Barry Sears personally lists the best recipes that you can take note.


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