Chicken soup: step by step recipes first. Options for chicken soups with potatoes, noodles, scrambled eggs, rice (step by step)


By nutrition, chicken is slightly inferior to the meat of other birds or domestic animals, and its low fat content makes it possible to prepare dietary dishes. Chicken broth is an ideal basis for any soup and in vain many people consider them not sufficiently nutritious. Chicken soups are cooked with pasta, potatoes or cereals. Often they are cooked with dumplings or dumplings, which makes the food more nutritious and nourishing.

Our selection of the most common options for chicken soups. Step-by-step recipes contain a detailed description of how to cook chicken broth for soup, what piece of chicken for him to take, how and how to season it properly.

General principles for preparing chicken soup (step by step)

• Cooking homemade chicken soup according to any step-by-step recipe begins with its basis - chicken broth, on which the taste qualities largely depend. For the soup, any part of the chicken carcass is suitable. The most rich broth will be one that is cooked from poultry, but no less tasty, can also be prepared from a broiler purchased in a store. The main thing is to take a piece of flesh, and always with bones. Ideally, half the carcass is used to produce two and a half liters of chicken stock.

• In order to achieve transparency and the absence of a specific smell, often inherent in farm chicken, from chicken broth, it is advisable to cook roots and vegetables with it. To completely remove third-party odors and improve the taste of the broth, to 600 grams of chicken, it is enough to put a small onion, a medium-sized carrot and 60 gr. parsley root or celery.

• There are several rules for making chicken soup broth. Firstly, the bird is thoroughly washed and then filled exclusively with cold water. When processing a bird, you need to carefully examine its skin - remove the remaining feathers with tweezers, and scrape or cut off the contaminated areas well. Skinning or not is a moot point. The substances contained in it give the broth an appetizing golden color, but if the skin is removed, the soup will turn out to be less high-calorie. Second, bring the broth to a boil quickly, so the pan is placed on intense heating. As it warms up, foam will surface on its surface, which must be removed carefully and without residue. Mixing with boiling broth, the foam makes it cloudy. From the moment of boiling, the soup broth is cooked over moderate heat, it is impossible to allow rapid boiling and be sure to cover it. When the meat is ready, the soup base is removed from the stove and filtered. The meat is cooled and disassembled into pieces. Then combine everything in a clean pan and bring to a boil again, after which the rest of the products are laid.

• Almost every housewife has her own, unlike other recipes for such a dish. The article selects step-by-step recipes for chicken soup in the most popular versions of its execution: with noodles, rice, potatoes and dumplings, scrambled eggs.

Chicken Soup: Step-by-Step Recipe with Spanish Mushrooms and Omelette

An unusual recipe taken from Spanish cuisine, with mushrooms and thin stripes of egg omelet. The step by step recipe for chicken soup describes in detail how to properly cook an omelet so that it does not turn out to be airy. We will show you how to properly cook chicken soup soup and how to supplement it.


• two large legs;

• three eggs;

• 200 gr. fresh, medium-sized champignons;

• one onion;

• two small carrots;

• 60 gr. celery roots

• a teaspoon of liquid cream or milk;

• a spoon of white flour;

• finely chopped cilantro and parsley - a quarter cup each;

• five tablespoons of vegetable oil;

• two peas of black pepper;

• medium-sized laurel leaf;

• ground chili pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

1. A couple of times washing the legs, pour them in a pan with 2 liters of water. Putting the container on fire, quickly bring to a boil. In the process, we regularly collect curled protein from the surface.

2. Peel the onion, celery root and carrot, wash. One carrot, a part of celery and a whole onion are lowered into a boiling broth, add peppercorns. We adjust the heating so that the broth under the lid only boils a little. Legs are cooked until cooked, about 50 minutes.

3. Wash the eggs, break into a bowl and add a little salt to them. After pouring milk, add greens and lightly whisk until smooth. No need to froth, we will prepare a thin omelet from the egg mass, it will turn out to be magnificent from the foamed eggs.

4. Pouring a little oil into the pan, warm it up. Pour the eggs into the pan and, slightly shaking it, let the egg mass spread in a thin layer. Fry until a slight blush on both sides and shift to a plate. The cooled egg layer is cut into thin strips.

5. From the cooked broth, we remove the chicken, put it in a bowl and tighten the top of the container with a film. This will prevent the cooled meat from weathering as it cools. Drain the chicken stock, pouring it into a clean pan.

6. The cooled meat is removed from the bones and sorted into fibers into smaller pieces.

7. Wash the mushrooms, cut into plates.

8. Cooking the roast. Cut the carrots and the remaining celery into strips, chop the onions finely. Slightly warming a clean pan with two tablespoons of vegetable oil, spread the carrots with celery. We simmer over medium heat until medium softened and add the mushrooms. After evaporating all the moisture from the mushrooms, sprinkle with flour and, thoroughly mixing, cook for another minute.

9. Bring the filtered broth to a boil. We spread mushroom roasting in it and wait for boiling again. Then, lowering the heat, boil for five minutes. Next, lay out strips of egg pancake in the soup, drop the lavrushka and meat. Cook the chicken soup for another ten minutes.

"Saekhat" - the original Uzbek chicken soup: a step by step recipe with homemade noodles and cheese

Step by step recipe for chicken soup, borrowed from the Uzbek cuisine. Homemade noodles are prepared for the soup. If there is no time, it can be replaced by a purchase made from durum wheat. You can use ordinary vermicelli, but it is advisable to pre-fry it in a dry pan. After this treatment, the pasta will not be sour in the soup. Chicken is pre-fried, due to this the broth is more aromatic.


• 150 grams of "Russian" cheese;

• about 300 grams (half) of chicken;

• one small sweet carrot;

• two medium, white onions;

• root of parsley or celery;

• 50 ml of sunflower or corn oil;

• a small pod of hot pepper;

• a tablespoon of oil;

• 0.5 tablespoons of pepper (ground, black);

• fresh cilantro and parsley - five branches each.

For noodles:

• half a glass of drinking water;

• large chicken egg;

• a glass of flour.

Cooking method:

1. We will not cook the broth, so you need to start with noodles. Break the egg into a spacious bowl, chop it with a fork until smooth. After adding water, we add a little and mix well. Gradually pouring over the sifted flour, knead, without rushing, a cool dough. We spread it on the table and knead it with our hands until it becomes elastic. If the dough will stick to the surface, you need to gradually add flour under it.

2. Next, roll out the dough into a thin layer. This is usually done on a table well sprinkled with flour. But there is a slight flaw in this method - excess flour on the noodles cloud the soup. You can do it easier - we will roll out the dough on the canvas. We spread a large piece of clean cloth on the table, just lightly sprinkle with flour and rub it with your hand over the entire surface of the canvas.

3. From the dough we form a flat cake, put it on the canvas and roll it thinly. Let the bed lie down on the fabric for about a quarter of an hour, so that its upper side is slightly dry. Then gently turn it over and also dry its other side. After that, stepping back from the edge by two centimeters, we bend one of its sides and loosely roll the dough. The resulting roll, cut with the thinnest stripes obliquely. Periodically unfold the chopped noodles and lay them out on the canvas. When all the noodles are ready, until the right moment we leave it on the fabric to dry.

4. Wash the fillet with cool water and cut it into small, oblong shapes, slices. It is practically impossible to cut wet meat accurately, therefore, after washing, it is advisable to dry the breast with paper towels.

5. Fry chicken. To do this, melt the butter in a frying pan, lower the fillet pieces into it and cook on a "quick" fire, until a slight blush. At the end, season with ground pepper and turn off the heat.

6. In a three-liter pan, boil 2.5 liters of water. If you have ready chicken stock, you can use it. Dip the boiled chicken in boiling liquid and cook over low heat, half an hour under the lid.

7. While the meat is being cooked, we are engaged in dressing for soup. We chop the onion, and cut the carrots and roots into thin strips. We sift the vegetables with roots in a thick-walled pan in vegetable oil until soft.

8. Put the vegetable dressing in a pan to the cooked fillet. In a boiling soup, dip the noodles. After waiting for the second boiling, we stand the soup on medium heat for another ten minutes, until the noodles are ready.

9. Grind the cheese: one third of the three pieces finely, and the rest of the large. Finely chop the greens, cut the hot pepper into thin rings. Seeds from the pod are removed in advance, they add extra sharpness.

10. In the finished chicken soup, spread finely grated cheese. After mixing well, add the greens and hot pepper.

11. Such a soup is served hot, each portion is supplemented with a pinch of coarsely shredded cheese.

Simple recipe for spicy chicken soup: a step by step recipe with rice and tomato a la "Kharcho"

A simple soup that tastes like kharcho. To achieve this effect, a step-by-step recipe involves the use of adjika, hops-suneli and the addition of rice.


• chicken, any part of it, or soup set - 400 gr .;

• 100 gr. round grain rice;

• three large potatoes;

• a small white onion;

• two spoons of unsalted thick tomato;

• one carrot;

• garlic;

• acute adjika;

• refined oil;

• hops suneli.

Cooking method:

1. You need to start with the broth. It can be cooked from any part of the bird and it is desirable that the pieces are with bones. You can cook the broth from the soup set, but you will need to put a small piece of chicken fillet on it.

2. Thoroughly wash the chicken, pour cool water (2.5 liters), prepare a clear broth. You can supplement it with spices in the form of parsley root or celery.

3. Peel the carrots, potatoes and onions. Cut potatoes into thin sticks, pour cool water. Grind carrots on a coarse grater; if you do not like it when it is visible in the soup, grind on the fine side of the grater. Finely chop the onion.

4. After sorting the rice, rinse with cool water. We dry it by putting it in a sieve or colander.

5. In a frying pan, with the addition of vegetable oil, first fry the onions until transparent. Then we put carrots to it and continue cooking until the roasting acquires a pleasant goldenness. We introduce the tomato, mix well and cook for another minute.

6. When the broth is cooked, remove the chicken from it. We cool down so that you can work with her hands, and remove the meat from the bones, cut it finely.

7. After filtering the broth into a clean saucepan, set it to “fast” heat and lower the chicken meat, separated from the bones, into it. Bringing to a boil, lower the potatoes and rice, waiting for boiling again, carefully remove the white foam from the surface. Then we lower the flame level a little and continue cooking, until the potatoes are soft.

8. Put the fried vegetables in a saucepan with the soup, introduce the sharp ingredients - seasoning and adjika. Give the soup a slow boil for two minutes, and, crushing it in a mortar, put 2 garlic cloves, add. After stirring, set aside from the stove and stand under the lid for about a quarter of an hour.

Delicious Chicken Soup: A Step-by-Step Recipe with Manna Dumplings and Potatoes

A detailed step-by-step recipe for chicken soup with semolina dumplings and potatoes. It is prepared simply and quickly, since most of the time is spent on preparing the broth. The dumpling dough is kneaded with a semolina spoon with the addition of eggs and butter. They boil quickly, while the soup boils.


• a pound of chicken (any meat pieces with bones);

• two large potatoes;

• purified water - 2 liters;

• bunch of onion feathers;

• 1 carrot;

• a spoonful of creamy "Traditional" butter;

• a raw egg;

• medium-sized onion;

• three tablespoons of vegetable oil;

• four tablespoons of semolina.

Cooking method:

1. On two liters of water we prepare a transparent broth. When the chicken comes to readiness, we take it out, put it on a plate, cool it. Cut into pieces. Filter the broth through folded cheesecloth and pour into a clean pan.

2. Put the butter in a deep plate or a small bowl and let stand to soften. Then lightly salt, break the egg and pour the semolina. Rubbing thoroughly, bring the "dough" to homogeneity.

3. Peel carrots, potatoes and onions. Three large carrots, and cut the potatoes into thin long slices, onions into small slices. Pour the potatoes with water, and spread the carrots with onions in the oil heated in a pan. Fry chopped vegetables over moderate heat until soft.

4. On an intense fire we put a pan with broth. Bringing to a boil, lower the potatoes into it and cook on low, moderate heat. Be sure to remove the white foam for the first time. 10 minutes after the potatoes, put the sautéed vegetables in the pan and cook another five minutes.

5. The time has come dumplings. Take a teaspoon and wet it with water. Then pry a little semolina dough with a spoon and immediately lower it into boiling soup. This must be done quickly so that the dumplings reach readiness at the same time.

6. After the dumplings, dip finely chopped green onions in the chicken soup. Let's boil, and remove from the stove.

Tips for making delicious chicken soup step by step recipes - useful tips

• Before boiling, try not to stir the chicken stock often. Foam should independently rise to the surface. When stirring, there is a possibility that the var will mix with the broth and then it will become cloudy.

• If for some reason you did not manage to remove the foam, do not turn it off. Ready clouded broth can always be clarified. Let it pause and the foam will settle to the bottom. After this, gently draining, strain through gauze folded in several layers, and leave the residue in a saucepan. Rinse the pieces thoroughly and dip them into the filtered broth.


Watch the video: 15 minute Egg Drop Soup (June 2024).