Why dream about the interpretation of the garden of popular dream books. What does the garden dream about: well-groomed or neglected


The meaning of sleep about the garden directly depends on the condition of the land. The nuances of a dream will tell you what to expect after waking up. In popular dream books, the interpretation of such a dream is somewhat different.

Why dream of a garden in a family dream book

A dream about a well-groomed, flowering garden with an abundance of fruits, vegetables, greens is a safe sign. It is especially good if this garden belongs to the dreamer who walks on his own flowering land or admires it. After awakening, all problems will disappear, a period of complete well-being and satisfaction with oneself and one's own labor will begin in life.

If the dreamer works in his own garden in a dream, cultivates it, then in real life he will have to work hard to achieve the desired well-being and the desired level of income.

What is the dream of a neglected, dried, dead, flooded garden? To losses, losses and failures in business. After awakening, the dreamer needs to take action to maintain at least the current level of income, so as not to lose everything.

The dream of a melon, on which melons, watermelons, pumpkins and other melons grow, portends success in business.

Why dream of a garden by Freud's dream book

The symbolism of a dream about a garden, according to the dream book of an Austrian psychoanalyst, is associated with gender relations. Earth symbolizes the feminine principle, the ability to fertilize and give birth. Therefore, a garden in a dream means experiences associated with intimate relationships between a man and a woman, and for family people - also with their own children.

If the land is abandoned, abandoned, the garden is barren, this may mean loss of contact with children. Perhaps the dreamer has conflicts with them, or quarrels and misunderstandings will soon begin.

On the contrary, to see a well-groomed garden area with vegetables growing on the ground, especially if the crop is rich, means harmonious relationships in the family: with offspring, a wife and other household members.

Why dream of a garden overgrown with grass, or sprouts breaking out of the garden earth? Such a dream portends the collapse of the family boat: the dreamer's family is threatened with divorce. Perhaps a negative interference from outside, which will destroy the marriage. In any case, the dream book offers to assess the situation in the family objectively and find solutions that suit both sides.

What is the dream of Miller’s garden

This dream interpretation interprets the dream rather negatively. To see a garden means to do heavy, often ungrateful work, for which you should not wait for a reward or it is insignificant. The dreamer will have to work hard for many years to ensure the minimum welfare of his family.

Why do women dream of a garden? According to the interpretation of the dream book, to worries, minor troubles, unexpected and unpleasant chores. Dry, abandoned garden land is a sure sign of future failures. The cultivation of the land gives hope that the dreamer will be able to change the situation, achieve success. It is especially good to see how the fruits ripen and pour, the vegetables ripen, the plants grow. Such a dream promises success, receiving a well-deserved reward if the dreamer makes every effort.

Autumn is good to see watering the garden or to moisten the soil yourself. Sleep promises a profitable business or a cash reward. The stronger the pressure of the water, the larger the profit. Receiving money will be a surprise to the dreamer, so it’s impossible to guess where the money will come from.

Seeing how garden plants die under the influence of insects is a bad sign. The dream portends that enemies and envious ill-wishers will destroy the dreamer's well-being by spreading gossip about him. After waking up, you need to carefully look at the environment: envious people are in the circle of close people, friends, relatives, colleagues.

Why do I dream of a garden by Wanga's dream book

Depending on the dreamer's actions, the soothsayer Vanga proposes to interpret the dream about the garden. Landing any vegetables, including potatoes, is a very good sign. Through his labors, the dreamer has secured for himself a materially reliable future or is moving in this direction. After such a dream, you can not be afraid for the future of your family: financial success will be strong and long-term, and superiors can suddenly raise their salaries or write a bonus.

What is the dream of a garden planted with succulent, green plants? Such a dream is also interpreted as a symbol of a comfortable life for many years to come. You can not be afraid of poverty, you are not afraid of old age: the dreamer will meet her with a wealthy man.

To see barren garden land is a harbinger of hunger, terrible deprivation, intractable problems and all kinds of difficulties. It is very bad to see in a dream hard work in the garden, which did not bring any result. A similar situation should be expected in real life: no matter how titanic the dreamer's works are, they will not bring the desired.

To see how the earth in the garden was covered with cracks, dips, how the springs that fed it or other sources of water disappeared - a harbinger of global catastrophes, disasters, loss of income.

What is the dream garden for Hasse's dream

If the dreamer dreams that his garden is well-groomed, planted with plants or the plot is prepared for wintering, then a favorable period has finally come in the dreamer's life. Difficult days have passed, a period of calm and rest has come.

Walking around the garden and experiencing satisfaction from what he saw means that in reality the dreamer will experience similar feelings: joy, peace and even happiness. Work in your own garden - achieve the respect of others in real life.

What is the dream of a garden planted with beautiful flowers? Such a pleasant dream promises the achievement of goals, the long-awaited recognition of merit. But the abandoned garden warns: around are fake friends who are more likely to interfere than to help.

To see that around the garden land there is a high fence, a bad sign. The dream warns: the desire will not be fulfilled, the request will not be fulfilled, the project will fail. In general, desires are not destined to come true.

Why dream of a garden in the dream book of Nostradamus

A positive interpretation has a dream about the garden as interpreted by this dream book, if the land is planted with fruiting plants, deified. If the dreamer sees a rich garden with many fruits grown by him, feels pleasure and happiness, then in reality in all endeavors he will be accompanied by incredible luck, constant success. In real life, you can safely take on any business.

To see that a scarecrow is standing in the garden is bad. This image is a symbolic warning of something that will scare away luck, money, fame, and prevent useful ties from gaining ground.

Why dream of a garden belonging to other people? To the appearance of heavy, unpleasant worries. The burden that falls on the dreamer's shoulders after waking up may not be able to do it. It is possible that a person will be loaded with someone else's work, and it will not work to refuse.

What is the dream of the garden for the combined dream book

Planting garden plants is an auspicious sign. A dream portends career growth, respect for people, which to a large extent will be caused by the personal qualities of a dreamer. He does a lot for others, seeks to convey experience and knowledge, and others pay him a good attitude for it.

A dream is of similar importance, in which the dreamer walks along his own well-kept fence, admires the neat plantings, is satisfied with the absence of garbage, weeds. After awakening, you should reap something good and long-awaited, for example, achieving important goals.

If the dreamer dreamed that he was picking up weeds, then it was high time for him to start putting his thoughts in order. Perhaps his family life is not all right, so you should pay attention to the family.

If a person works in a strange garden, it means that he does not live his own life, sacrifices his desires for the sake of other people. Consider, perhaps, it is worth reconsidering priorities and directing energy to the benefit of yourself, and not of strangers. If the garden has ripe fruits, ripened vegetables, it means that the dreamer made a lot of efforts for the well-being of strangers.

To see that the garden of familiar people is abandoned, overgrown with weeds and weeds, is also not a favorable dream. It means that the dreamer will have to solve the problems of these people. Another interpretation is that someone unceremoniously intervenes in the dreamer's life.


Watch the video: Life Between Two Gardens. Lysa TerKeurst (June 2024).