How to choose a profession


From early childhood, boys and girls, playing, present themselves in various roles: teachers, policemen, cooks. Already in these games they begin to model their future life.

By the end of schooling, almost everyone has a fairly complete picture of the labor market. Nevertheless, the problem of self-determination among adolescents is acute. Not every adult is able to adequately assess their potential, relate it to their aspirations, and even more so to predict the prospect for financial well-being.

As a rule, schoolchildren are never alone with this dilemma. Parents and friends, as well as psychologists and teachers, actively help them with their recommendations.

Tips on how to choose the right profession

First of all, in the analysis of specialties, you need to be guided by their individual characteristics. An energetic, sociable teenager will be hard performing a single-type, monotonous affair.

At the same time, an individual immersed in himself will become uncomfortable with work associated with active communication. Scientists have developed a lot of tests, techniques designed to help in career guidance.

Which profession to choose - list of professions

Having defined your inclinations, carefully study the range of possible qualifications. For applicants created brochures, booklets, reference books. Comprehensively consider each occupation, it is likely that you will not like the most popular, but promising direction for making money.

How to choose a profession for students and teenagers recommendations

If you have already taken the first steps - have passed a test for a profession, perhaps even online, noted in the registry of an interesting case. Then you are ready for the next step - the collection of information.

You have to find out as much as possible. Talk to people already engaged in this business, look at the practice of what you have to do in the future. After that, select the school where they receive education in the chosen discipline. Pay special attention to subjects that are required when passing the exam.

How to choose a profession for a girl and a guy after 11th grade

After the end of 11 years of training, an unlimited field of employment options opens up for young men and women. Do not worry if it is difficult to make a decision quickly. Many adults, having only worked 10 years in one place, become frustrated and realize their vocation.

Be open to any information: talk to people, read articles. Do not give in to the feeling of fear - this is normal with such a serious act.

What profession to choose after grade 9 guy

Do not be afraid to leave after grade 9. The list of suitable activities for you is great. The labor market demand workers. Often a high-class electrician has a much higher salary than an ordinary lawyer.

How to choose the future profession boy and girl

People are set up in such a way that they often regret the unrealized chances. Dare, strive and fear nothing. Risk, try everything new, get different skills and knowledge. Your decision may not be the only true change in your life.

How to choose a profession if you do not pulls advice

Analyze how you spend your free time more often. Indoors in front of the computer? In the open air? Where are you more comfortable? Who do your relatives work? What do you think about their employment? Which disciplines are best given in school? Is your insecurity a fear of making a mistake or a desire to transfer all the responsibility for the future to your loved ones?

How to choose a profession for women and men

The economic situation in the country has changed more than once in the last decades. In adulthood, choose a highly paid profession to make good money.

In pursuit of big money, remember the immutable truth: if you do something excellent, there will always be someone who will pay you for it.

Change habits, improve, use all your life baggage. Millionaires got rich on the most unexpected things.


Watch the video: How to find and do work you love. Scott Dinsmore. TEDxGoldenGatePark 2D (July 2024).