Is it possible to cure pinched sciatic nerve with exercises? Exercises for pinching the sciatic nerve: how to


In recent years, diseases of the musculoskeletal system began to sharply "grow younger." One common condition is a pinched sciatic nerve.

This pathological situation is a compression of the nerve by the surrounding musculoskeletal structures. Jamming is characterized by a bright "clinic" and a long course.

An excellent tool in the treatment of sciatica (another name for the described condition) is physiotherapy.

But not all exercises are worth doing. So how can you do exercise therapy to have an effect?

Briefly about sciatica

As already mentioned, sciatica is a pathological condition of an inflammatory nature, which results in pinching of the sciatic nerve. The causes of this phenomenon are numerous:

• The presence of intervertebral hernias in the lumbosacral region.

• Osteochondrosis in the same spine.

• Rachiocampsis.

• Neoplasms, tuberculous lesions (extremely rare).

For a pinched nerve, a whole symptom complex is characteristic, which makes the diagnosis simple and effective. Among the manifestations of the disease:

• Sharp, intense pain in the lumbar region. It is enough to clarify that the sciatic nerve is the largest in the body. This fact is not in favor of the patient, since pain with sciatica is unbearable. Give in one or both legs on the back of the hips, legs and feet. Discomfort intensifies after physical exertion.

• Feeling of numbness in the buttocks, lower back.

• Violations of motor activity. The patient cannot walk normally.

• Lameness.

Together, these symptoms suggest a disease. Physical therapy helps to cope with the described problem. If medications and physiotherapy are aimed at eliminating pathological symptoms and the causes of its occurrence, exercise therapy allows you to achieve a stable remission and forget about the disease for years.

Important! Exercise therapy does not replace other treatment methods, but enhances their effect.

Gentle exercises for pinching the sciatic nerve

One must keep in mind. Exercises for pinching the sciatic nerve, the descriptions of which are widely replicated on the Internet, do not always give the necessary therapeutic effect. It all depends on the nature of the symptoms and the characteristics of the health status of patients.

In the subacute stage or during a period of complete remission, a complex of gentle gymnastic exercises is shown. For convenience, they are divided into three groups.

Complex number 1

The first complex of therapeutic exercises is performed from a supine position. It is recommended to lay a blanket or rug for yourself. Cold and drafts can make the patient worse.

1) Take a starting position (lying on your back). Straighten as much as possible. Carefully raise your leg, bend it at the knee. It is important to bring the bent limb closer to the chest as close as possible. Keep in this state for 7-10 seconds (it is not recommended to hold the pose longer), after which return the leg to its original position. Repeat the same with the other limb. Perform 5-7 times. In the period of remission - 7-10 times. This exercise strengthens the muscles of the lower back and improves blood flow.

2) Take a position on your back. Place your hands under the buttocks. Next, slowly raise your legs as much as possible. Perform the well-known exercise "bike".

3) The situation is the same as in the third exercise. Dilute hands to the sides, forming the letter "T" or straighten "at the seams". Now you need to raise your legs. Start making slight bends with your foot to the right and left. No need to be zealous, the angle of inclination is about 45 degrees. If pain is observed during the task, the amplitude should be reduced.

4) Lie on the floor. The legs should be bent at the knees. Press the knees to the chest with a strong motion. At the same time, the back should also bend, moving forward, to the knees ("at the exit" a person should bend in a ring). Return to starting position, relax as much as possible. Socks when performing exercises need to be pulled over.

5) Lie on your stomach, arms stretch out in front of you. On the count of "times," raise the body up, as if wanting to stretch your neck and see what lies ahead. Hold in this position for 5-6 seconds. Then return the body to the “supine” position. Legs should be motionless all this time.

Complex number 2

This complex is performed in the sitting position.

1) Sit on the floor, legs straighten. Now you need to go forward, making movements with the buttocks. Exercise helps to improve blood circulation in the affected area. Then return movements back to the place.

2) The position is identical. Straighten your legs, arms also straighten in front of you. On the “one” count, bring the wrists to the shoulders, on the “two” count, return to the starting position.

3) Sit on a chair, straighten your back, relax. Cross legs in shins. Place your hands on the back of the head, make leisurely body movements to the right and left. The amplitude of the turns should be maximum (at the current moment). It’s not worth immediately striving to turn 90 degrees, this can lead to undesirable consequences. Perform 10 times, after which the legs are swapped.

4) Squat, bend your elbows and kneel. Slowly bend the back first to the left, moving with the elbow down, then to the right. Run 5 times.

Complex number 3

It is carried out in a standing position.

1) Stand upright, legs at shoulder level. “Pull out” the lower back, while exhaling. Now do the same, but in the opposite direction, take a breath. Continue 3-5 times. Due to muscle tension, the muscles of the lumbosacral region are strengthened.

2) Position as in exercise "1". Raise your left hand above your head, make a smooth tilt to the right. Then do the same by changing your hand. Sag as much as possible.

3) Standing position. Rub the lower back with circular soft movements.

These are the simplest exercises for pinching the sciatic nerve.

Who can help described gymnastics

Such sets of exercises are suitable both for those who first encountered the sciatica problem, and for people suffering from chronic inflammation. Complex No. 3 can be performed during exacerbation, complexes 1-2 should be performed only when the disease has receded.

The most effective exercises for pinching the sciatic nerve

These exercises are strictly contraindicated in the period of exacerbation and in the case when the student suffers from intervertebral hernias. You can perform them strictly during remission.

Complex number 1

1) Get on all fours, bend your elbows. Rest on the floor. On the account of "one" bend the lower back as low as possible, on the account of "two" return to its original position.

2) Press your back against the wall, relax. Bend the pelvis 10 times back, wanting to move the wall. Exercise helps strengthen muscles.

3) Get up, feet shoulder width apart. Do 10 squats.

4) Standing position. Put your hands in a lock and place on your stomach, just above the pubic area. Desiring, as it were, to push away the hands to push the pelvis forward, overcoming the resistance of the hands.

5) Perform a similar exercise, just put your hands behind your back and place on your lower back.

Complex number 2

1) Get on your knees. Hands rest on the floor. Straighten one leg, leave the other in its original position. On the "one" count, straighten your arms and bend forward as much as possible, on the "two" count, return to your original position. In the photo you can see how to incorrectly perform the exercise when pinched the sciatic nerve: you can not bend your legs under you.

2) Sit on all fours. Straighten one leg and sit on the other. Repeat with the second leg. This exercise helps increase muscle elasticity.

3) Sit on your knees. Slowly bend your lower back and lie on the floor.

4) The fourth exercise is performed while lying down. Knees are bent, hands are put behind a head. Perform 10 exercises similar to a press exercise. Elbow to touch the opposite knee.

5) Squat. On the inhale, stand up and straighten, on the exhale, return to the original position.

6) Perform exercise "4", fully straightened legs.

7) Adopt a supine position. At the expense of "one" raise the pelvis as high as possible, at the expense of "two" - lower the lower back to the floor and relax.

8) Perform 5-7 push ups.

9) Lie on your back. Raise the left leg, bend it at the knee and lower it. Do the same with the other limb.

Who needs these exercise routines?

The two complexes above are ideal for execution during remission. They help strengthen the muscles of the lower back, improve tissue nutrition and reduce pain. Exercises 2, 4, 5 of complex No. 1 and exercises 7, 9 are suitable for all patients: both in a state of remission and in an acute current process.

Exercise Principles

The reader should have a question: how to do exercises when pinching the sciatic nerve? In order to defeat such a difficult condition as sciatica, the implementation of exercises should be based on certain principles. Among which:

• Do the exercises 7-15 times, depending on how you feel. Zeal is not worth it.

• Each complex is performed in 2-4 sets during the day. Once a day is not enough.

• The duration of the gym is determined by the doctor.

• At the first change in health (the appearance of pain, discomfort), you should immediately stop doing exercises.

It is necessary to strictly adhere to these principles, then the effect will not take long.

Tips & Warnings

There are some tips:

• You can do it both at home and in specialized groups. Homework is preferable, but the group has the opportunity to do exercises under the supervision of a doctor. This is a definite plus.

• Before starting classes, you should consult a doctor.

• In no case should you do the exercises blindly following the instructions. It is important to feel the body's own signals and adjust activity.

• All the described exercises are contraindicated in advanced osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernias. This is not an absolute challenge, just a question should be postponed until a specialist visit.

• Do not perform exercises with severe pain, which means that the condition is acute and medical assistance is required.

Sciatica is not amenable to drug therapy alone. Exercise therapy will become the optimal auxiliary treatment.


Watch the video: Extreme SCIATIC PAIN Relief with Y-STRAP Chiropractic Adjustment (July 2024).