Cake with kiwi and banana - sweet, fragrant and fresh! Recipes of curd, biscuit, yogurt, lazy cakes with kiwi and bananas


Fruit cake is not only delicious, but also a healthy dessert. It can be prepared with pineapples, oranges, pears, but it turns out especially tasty with bananas and kiwi. Still would! They are so tender and fragrant!

Kiwi and banana cake - general principles of preparation

All cakes with bananas and kiwi can be divided into 2 categories: with baked cakes and without baking, they are also called lazy. In all cases, only fresh fruits are used; they should not be cooked. You need to choose ripe, but not soft fruits. Desserts without baking are prepared on the basis of jelly or from cookies, purchased cakes, waffles or gingerbread cookies.

Classic cake cakes are always greased with creams. Usually they are prepared from dairy products, add butter, vanilla. All desserts require time for impregnation, usually at least 4-5 hours, so you need to cook them in advance.

Kiwi Sponge Cake

The recipe for a gentle and sweet biscuit cake with kiwi. Fruits give the dessert a fresh touch and make it easier. Cream with condensed milk, you can take white or boiled milk.


• 1 tbsp. flour;

• 4 kiwis;

• 0.22 kg of oil;

• 1 tbsp. Sahara;

• 5 eggs;

• 1 b. condensed milk;

• vanilla.


1. Before kneading the dough, set the oven to heat 180 degrees.

2. The eggs are broken. If they are small, that is, the second category, then we use six things. Beat with a mixer for two minutes.

3. We begin to introduce granulated sugar in parts, whisk further until the grains dissolve and a good increase in mass. The mixture should become very lush, white, with no egg layer at the bottom of the bowl.

4. Add flour to the bulk, you can pour a little vanilla. Stir with a spatula, pour into a baking dish.

5. We bake. The oven must not be opened for the first 15 minutes. As soon as the cake is lightly browned, slightly open and check the readiness with a toothpick, stick into the central part. If it remains dry, turn off the oven, let the cake stand with the door ajar, then take out the mold. Cooling down.

6. To prepare the cream, we introduce the condensed milk into the softened butter and beat. Kiwi is used for the interlayer. We clean the fruit, cut into thin plates.

7. We bake a biscuit in 3 parts. If the shape was large in diameter, then two can be made.

8. Lubricate the layers alternately with cream, lay in layers layers of kiwi. We use fruits for decoration, you can additionally sprinkle the cake with coconut.

Kiwi and Banana Jelly Yogurt Cake

The recipe for a simple cake with kiwi and banana, which is prepared without baking. There are no special requirements to the taste of yogurt, you can use any, but it should be combined with basic fruits.


• 0.2 kg of cookies;

• 80 g of sugar;

• 2 bananas;

• 70 g of drain oil .;

• 4-5 kiwi;

• 0.5 l of yogurt;

• 4 tsp gelatin;

• 80 ml of boiled water;

• 1 bag of instant jelly (any light);

• 1 tablespoon of lemon juice.


1. Pour gelatin with boiled, but not hot water, leave for a while to swell.

2. Mix crushed cookies and softened butter. The mass should be sticky.

3. Put a piece of parchment into the detachable form, then put the crumbs out of the cookies and form a cake. Put the foundation in the refrigerator for half an hour so that it hardens.

4. You can start yogurt. Add sugar to it, melted gelatin and stir.

5. Peel the bananas and kiwi. Cut about 2 kiwis into slices. The remaining fruits are cut into cubes or slices of arbitrary size.

6. Pour fruit into yogurt with gelatin. If desired, you can add more sugar to it, adjust to your taste.

7. We take out the base of the cake from the refrigerator, pour the yogurt with gelatin and chopped fruit on top, level the layer.

8. Set the cake to harden for 4 hours, the layer of yogurt should grab so that the fruits do not fall through.

9. Raise jelly, cut 2 kiwi into thin plates. Or we make curly pieces as we like more.

10. We lay out the fruits on the frozen yogurt, pour jelly and remove the dessert for another 3 hours.

Cake with kiwi from ready-made cakes "Gourmet"

A variant of a delicious and juicy kiwi cake, for which you need one package of ready-made biscuit cakes. Usually it has three pieces. Cream with gelatin is prepared from sour cream, solidifies well and does not flow.


• 1 pack of cakes;

• 160 g of powdered sugar;

• 1.5 tsp dry gelatin;

• 450 g sour cream;

• 5-6 kiwi;

• 40 g of sugar;

• some vanilla;

• 40 g coconut flakes.


1. Add water to gelatin, 40 ml is enough. Let it brew and swell.

2. Meanwhile, combine sour cream and powdered sugar, stir.

3. Sugar is mixed with 60 ml of boiled water, you can add a little cognac or just vanilla. It will be an impregnation.

4. Melt gelatin, pour into sour cream, stir and cool in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.

5. Peel the kiwi, cut into plates or any other pieces, but they should have the same thickness between each other.

6. We get cakes. We soak it with a small amount of syrup, spread the sour cream and spread the pieces of fruit. We form a classic cake.

7. Sprinkle with coconut, decorate with fresh fruits and leave in the refrigerator for 4 hours to soak. You can stand it longer, but in this case you need to decorate dessert with fresh fruit before serving.

Kiwi Curd Cake with Banana

Another version of the jelly cake with kiwi and banana, but it is prepared from cottage cheese. As a basis, 1 sponge cake is used, you can take a purchase.


• 2 tbsp. l gelatin;

• 700 g of cottage cheese;

• 400 g sour cream or yogurt;

• 1 tbsp. Sahara;

• 100 ml of water;

• 3 bananas;

• 4 kiwi;

• vanilla.


1. Combine gelatin with water, leave for the time specified in the product instructions.

2. If the cake is not suitable in size to the detachable form, then it must be cut with a sharp knife. Then lay inside. Instead of biscuit, you can make a base of cookies, as in one of the recipes above.

3. Grind cottage cheese with sour cream and sugar, season with vanilla. You can put everything in a bowl and beat with a blender, it will turn out even better.

4. Warm gelatin, add to cottage cheese, stir.

5. Cut the kiwi and bananas, pre-peel.

6. Apply a layer of curd cream to the biscuit, spread the kiwi.

7. Now again a layer of cream, lay out a layer of bananas.

8. Pour on top the rest of the mass, scatter pieces of fruit mixed up.

9. Put the curd cake in the refrigerator for 5-7 hours so that it freezes well.

10. Remove the split ring, carefully transfer the dessert to the dish. Garnish with fresh fruit, mint leaves, and sprinkle with almond petals.

Sour cream cake with kiwi, banana and chocolate

Kiwi cake option for chocolate lovers. Cakes are cooked on sour cream, obtained juicier than in a classic biscuit.


• two eggs;

• a glass of sugar;

• chocolate bar;

• 4 tablespoons sour cream;

• 2 kiwi and banana each;

• 1 spoon of cocoa;

• 5 g of soda;

• a glass of flour;

• 500 g of sour cream in a cream;

• 140 g of powder in the cream.


1. Knead the dough conveniently with a mixer. Break a couple of eggs into a large cup and beat for two minutes. Next pour the sugar and whisk again. Also add sour cream and beat for a couple of minutes.

2. Combine the flour with cocoa powder. You can take 10 g of a baking cultivator. Beat a couple of minutes with the bulk and pour into the mold. Any diameter. But the larger the shape, the lower the cake.

3. Bake one cake at 180 degrees. Cool and plast for 2-3 pieces, depending on the height. Better do three.

4. Grate the chocolate, divide in half.

5. Mix sour cream and powder, add half the chocolate chips.

6. Lubricate the cakes with cream. Arrange layers with fruits. If there are three cakes, then on one we put bananas, on the other kiwi. If it turned out only two, then lay out mixed.

7. Top the cake with cream, decorate with slices of fruit and cover with chocolate chips that remained.

Cake with kiwi "Emerald Turtle"

Very beautiful and effective cake, which is prepared in a pan. Kiwi is used for decoration, so it can take a little more or less, on average about 5-6 pieces of medium size.


• a can of condensed milk;

• 500 ml of milk;

• a glass of sugar;

• 1 tsp soda;

• 0.2 kg of oil;

• 6 kiwi;

• 500 g flour;

• three large eggs;

• vanilla.


1. Cooking custard. To do this, beat the eggs (2 pieces) and sugar, add to them 2 tablespoons of flour and all the milk (whole). Stir, brew on the stove and cool.

2. In the cooled cream we put the softened butter, stir, pour a bag of vanilla and put it in the refrigerator, let it thicken.

3. Cooking the dough. Beat a can of condensed milk with an egg, throw a pinch of salt and add slaked soda. Pour the flour and make the dough rolling out with a rolling pin. Divide it into eight lumps.

4. Roll a cake from each dough, bake on a dry frying pan on both sides. Cakes are being cooked quickly.

5. Lubricate the cake in the usual way, lay the cakes on top of each other.

6. Now we take a plate, put it on top and cut off all the excess. We give the turtle a rounded shape. Scraps can be chopped, mixed with cream, to form a head, legs and tail.

7. On top of the cake, too, coated with cream.

8. Cut the kiwi into circles, spread the emerald shell. Done!

Cake with kiwi and banana - useful tips and tricks

• If the cream is liquid, do not smear it on the cake and spoil the dessert. It is better to immediately add a special thickener or a small amount of dissolved gelatin.

• All kiwi cakes go well with coconut, almonds, fresh strawberries, cherries, bananas and pineapples. Do you still think how to decorate the cake?

• How to choose a delicious banana? You just need to sniff it through the peel. If the fruit is of high quality and delicious, it will exude an exotic aroma. If a banana does not smell, then you should not expect any taste from it.


Watch the video: In the Kitchen with Mary. June 22, 2019 (June 2024).