Truffle cake is a masterpiece! Delicious truffle cakes recipes with air meringues, fruits, various creams


Truffle cake is a chocolate miracle! Not every dessert can be compared with it to taste and just as pleased with its presence on the table. Truffles are different. Here are the simplest recipes for home cooking.

Truffle Cake - General Cooking Principles

Chocolate sponge cake - the basis of truffle cake. You can cook cakes according to any of the recipes, but chocolate with boiling water is most often used. Before assembling the cake, the cake should be well cooled so that it can be carefully cut into several parts.

For the layer used chocolate, cream or butter creams. There are chic toppings from mascarpone or berries. The truffle with air meringue deserves special attention, by the way, its recipe is slightly lower. On top of the cake, like sweets, it is covered with glaze, nuts or simply made out with cream and cocoa powder. You can always beat the dessert according to your preferences.

Golden Meringue Truffle Cake

A variant of a delicious and delicate truffle cake, which is prepared with homemade meringue. It is advisable to make dessert in advance so that it can withstand 12-15 hours in the refrigerator.


• 100 ml of milk;

• 100 ml of boiling water;

• bag of a cultivator;

• 3 tablespoons of cocoa;

• 2 eggs;

• 0.2 kg of sugar;

• 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil;

• 200 g flour.


• 1.3 packs of oil (approximately 270 grams);

• 400 g of condensed milk (boiled).

For meringues:

• 3 egg whites;

• 190 g of sugar.

For the design of 0.1 kg of nuts, 80 g of chocolate, 2 tablespoons of any oil.


1. Start with meringues. In general, it can be prepared in advance. Beat the chilled proteins, in the process add sugar to them. We spread the protein mass in a pastry bag or in a bag, squeeze flat cakes with a diameter of about 2 cm onto a baking sheet. Or put them in a teaspoon. Dry at 90-100 degrees until tender.

2. Cooking a biscuit. Chocolate is used in boiling water. Beat the egg first with sand, then introduce the milk and pour the vegetable oil. Stir.

3. Add to the total mass of cocoa along with a cultivator and wheat flour. The dough will turn out thick, it will be difficult to stir, but in the process add half a glass of boiling water.

4. We shift the chocolate mass into the mold and immediately put it in the oven. It should be warmed up to 180 by this time, at the same temperature and bake the cake until ready.

5. The cream for this cake is the easiest. Beat softened butter with condensed milk.

6. Fry nuts, chop into slices, but not very small.

7. Cut the cooled cake in half, but if you get 3 plates, it will be even better.

8. We coat the cake with cream. Lay on a plate.

9. Lubricate the meringues with condensed milk and butter, lay them on the cakes with a slide.

10. Top with the remaining cream, immediately sprinkle with nuts. Put in the refrigerator for 4 hours.

11. Melt the chocolate and butter together, you can just heat it in the microwave. Pour the cake on top, send to the refrigerator for another 4-5 hours.

Truffle Cake with Cognac

The recipe is incredibly fragrant, delicious truffle cake, which is also very simple and quick to prepare from ordinary egg biscuit. For impregnation, it is better to use boiled coffee, but if not, then instant coffee will do.


• 4 eggs;

• 160 g of sugar;

• 140 g flour;

• 30 g of cocoa;

• 7 g of ripper.


• 380 g of condensed milk;

• 270 g of oil;

• 20 ml of brandy.


• 130 g of coffee;

• 15 ml of brandy.

For glaze, 130 g of chocolate, 25 g of butter and 30 ml of cream. For sprinkling 120 g of walnuts.


1. Prepare a cake pan, it is advisable to take no more than 25 cm to get three full layers. Lubricate the mold with oil, cover the bottom with parchment.

2. Break the eggs, add sugar to them, immerse the mixer and beat for 12-14 minutes at the highest speed.

3. Pour cocoa with flour, then add the cultivator to the bowl and stir quickly.

4. Transfer to form. Bake. The temperature is 175 degrees. Time 25-30 minutes, look at readiness. Cool, cut.

5. Mix the butter and condensed milk, add cognac.

6. Add cognac to the coffee; it’s not necessary to sweeten it, but you need to cool it. Hot impregnation should not be.

7. Pour cakes with coffee mixture, coat with prepared cream.

8. On top of the cake we just spill the coffee, do not grease the cream.

9. Mix the ingredients of the glaze, warm in a water bath. We cover the cake.

10. We fall asleep with nuts and all! We remove it in the cold, let the cakes soak, the icing freezes.

Cream truffle cake

Another version of truffle cake made from biscuit with boiling water. It features a delicious creamy creme brulee. Condensed milk is used boiled.


• 3 tbsp. flour;

• 2 eggs;

• 0.2 l of milk;

• 7 g of ripper;

• 10 g of soda;

• 0.2 l of boiling water;

• 95 ml of vegetable oil;

• 0.26 kg of sugar;

• 4-5 st. l cocoa.


• 380 ml cream 33%;

• 240 g of condensed milk;

• 90 g of powder;

• 70 g of chocolate.


1. Pour sand into a bowl, add eggs, beat for a couple of minutes. Following pour oil, milk. Stir well. You can do everything with a mixer. Pour in a mixture of cocoa and flour with a cultivator. Stir again. Pour soda into boiling water, pour the mixture into the dough with a thin stream.

2. Put in a baking dish. Put in the oven, bring the cake at 170 degrees to readiness, check with a stick. You can bake in a slow cooker, baking program, time 50 minutes.

3. Beat 380 ml of cream and powdered sugar, add boiled condensed milk to them, beat together, but not for long, otherwise the mass may settle.

4. Cut the baked chocolate cake into three parts of equal thickness, spread with brulee cream.

5. Top also decorate with butter cream. Grate chocolate, sprinkle on top.

Mascarpone and Marshmallow Truffle Cake

A variant of a chic truffle cake with cream from the most delicate mascarpone cheese. You can use almette. White marshmallows without additives and glaze. Cook cakes according to the previous recipe.


• sponge cake in boiling water;

• 200 ml cream;

• 160 g of powder;

• 300 g of mascarpone;

• 200 g marshmallows;

• 130 g of chocolate;

• 40 g of oil:

• 50 ml of coffee.


1. Beat the cream until lush foam and half icing sugar. To leave.

2. In the mascarpone, add the second part of the powder, grind well. Combine with cream. If desired, add liquor, vanilla to the cream.

3. Cut the marshmallows into small cubes, divide in half.

4. Cut the cake into three parts.

5. Lubricate one plate with half the cream and spread the marshmallows. Also do the second cake.

6. Top coat just soak. Put the cake in the refrigerator for 4 hours.

7. Chop the chocolate with a knife, add butter to it. Put to warm in a water bath, stir constantly. As soon as the mass melts, remove and cool a little.

8. Cover the chilled truffle with glaze. Leave for another couple of hours.

Cherry Filled Truffle Cake

Cakes are prepared any chocolate biscuit, you can again take as a basis the recipe for boiling water, which is above. For the filling, you will need not only cherry, but its juice, for the berry layer of agar-agar.


• 150 g of cherries;

• 200 g of chocolate;

• 200 g of oil;

• 30 g of powder;

• 50 g of rum.


• 150 g cherry juice (you can compote, but saturated);

• 50 g of sugar sand.


• 300 g of cherries;

• 4 g of agar;

• 150 g of sugar.

For proper coverage, you will need 150 g of chocolate and 70 g of heavy cream.


1. Cooking cherry cream. Melt the chocolate. We remove the seeds from the cherries, puree and mix with sugar. Heat to 40 degrees, combine with melted chocolate and put in the refrigerator.

2. Beat the butter, add to the cooled cream. Pour cognac or rum, re-stir and remove in the cold.

3. For the cherry layer, puree the berries with sugar, add agar, boil for a couple of minutes. Pour into a split mold, the bottom of which is covered with parchment. Send to the cold.

4. We collect the cake: on the layer we put one part of the cake, soak it with cherry juice, grease with cream and repeat the same way. We leave the cake in the refrigerator for five hours, so that it gets stronger.

5. Turn the cake over, remove the form, carefully remove the parchment.

6. Cooking chocolate icing, just melt the cream and chocolate. Cooling down. We cover the cake from above, hiding the cherry layer.

Banana Mousse Truffle Cake

A wonderful cake recipe, which is also quite simple to prepare. Such a truffle will surely win over with its taste! A thin biscuit is used as a base, you can even take it ready.


• 3 eggs;

• 100 g sugar;

• 100 g flour;

• 1.5 tablespoons of cocoa.

Banana Mousse:

• 0.27 liters of cream;

• 4 bananas;

• 1.5 tablespoons of gelatin;

• 50 ml of milk;

• 150 g of powder;

• 1 tablespoon of lemon juice.

For sprinkling you will need regular cocoa powder, it will take about 2 tablespoons.


1. Bake the base. Beat eggs and sugar for about ten minutes, introduce flour with cocoa, mix and pour into a mold.

2. Since the cake is thin, set at a temperature of 200, it will cook quickly enough. Cool, gently separate from the form, but do not take out.

3. Peel the bananas, puree or simply knead, Add lemon juice so that the fruit does not darken.

4. Dilute gelatin in milk, leave for the time indicated on the package.

5. Beat cream and sugar until very lush and airy foam.

6. Now combine the bananas with cream.

7. Next, add the dissolved and melted gelatin in the milk. Stir.

8. Beat the mousse with a mixer for about three minutes and pour over the biscuit cake.

9. Put in the refrigerator until completely solidified.

10. Before serving, sprinkle with cocoa powder.

Truffle Cake - Tips & Tricks

• If you use a commercial biscuit for the truffle, you can improve its taste with good impregnations. In this case, it is better to boil the syrup, add coffee, cocoa, cognac, rum or liquor.

• If chocolate does not want to melt, you can add more oil, even vegetable oil will do, but it should be odorless.


Watch the video: Cakes (July 2024).