Turkish hammam: the benefits and harms of the eastern bath. What is the use of hamam and can there be harm from this procedure


Hot steam has a beneficial effect on the human body. Over the centuries, different cultures developed their own way of hovering. And if not everyone can stand a real Russian steam, then any person will feel comfortable in the Turkish hammam.

What is hammam

Turkish hammam - a special type of bath. The main difference from the Russian steam or Finnish saunas is the lower air temperature in the steam room. The humidity, in contrast, is 100 percent. When you are in the room where the conditions of the hamam are created, an amazing sensation appears. It’s like you are sitting in a warm rain cloud and breathing water.

It is the softness of the steam that makes the procedure safer than warming the body at a very high temperature of a real bath, sauna and even Japanese ofuro. The air temperature in the hammam is from 30 ° to 65 ° maximum, and it is perfectly tolerated by those sissies who pass in before the heat of the national Russian steam room. The combination of high humidity and a comfortable average temperature explains the benefits of hammam.

The attitude of the eastern residents to the hammam is special. In the old days, it was customary to spend a large half of the day in a hammam. Many came here in the morning and went out in the late evening. Communication, relaxing pleasant procedures turned the hamam into an analogue of a modern SPA-salon and a club for communication. Both women and men could go there. Moreover, if the husband forbade his wife to wash in the hammam, there was a legitimate reason for the divorce.

Features of a couple in a hammam

Steam is supplied to the hammam in a special way. moreover, if we are talking about a real Turkish bath, then several rooms should be equipped in it. Each room has its own temperature. In the main hall, it changes from the periphery to the center, so you can choose the appropriate sector and get it there. Passing from room to room, a person evenly warms up the body, without experiencing any stress. This is the best way to improve the skin and internal organs. At the same time, there is no harm from a hammam to a healthy person at all.

Due to the high humidity, breathing in a hammam is pleasant and easy, even in a room that is heated to the highest possible temperature. The body warms up gradually, smoothly. And it’s not only in the air. The hammam uses special beds made of marble. The stone heats evenly and holds the same temperature perfectly. When a person lays on a marble bench, the whole body heats up the same way, and the stone does not burn the skin, but gives an exceptionally pleasant sensation.

What are they doing in hammam

Hammam is not just a useful procedure, it is a special thousand-year ritual. It is perfectly calibrated and has not changed for millennia:

• the first room with warm air allows the body to get used to a change in temperature from the usual to moderately elevated. Here the visitor spends about half an hour;

• the second room is the steam room itself. Here are the main cleansing procedures: dousing with hot water, light scrubbing of the skin;

• the third room is designed for a special type of massage, which is carried out using soap suds;

• after cleansing the skin and foam massage, an oil relaxing massage follows, which is done by an experienced masseur. The procedure will relieve muscle tension, improve internal organs;

• after the massage, the visitor goes to the first lounge room. Here everyone is offered herbal or green tea.

The benefits of hamam are enhanced by a special type of soap, scrub, oil, face and body masks. Natural ingredients, steam and water make all procedures not only useful, but also very pleasant.

Useful properties of hamam

There is undoubtedly a similarity between the paired procedures of different cultures. Useful properties of hamam can be called if not unique, then very important for the body. Here's what Turkish bath is good for:

• relieves muscle tension;

• relieves stress and insomnia, normalizes the nervous system;

• gently warms the skin and internal organs;

• stimulates blood circulation, tone the heart and blood vessels;

• eliminates congestion in the pelvic organs and abdominal cavity;

• relieves rheumatic pains, arthritis and salt deposits;

• helps to quickly get rid of the consequences of significant physical exertion due to the removal of lactic acid from the muscles;

• speeds up recovery from injuries;

• cures chronic bronchitis;

• deeply cleanses the skin: exfoliates the stratum corneum, restores the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands;

• stimulates the processes of fat breakdown, stimulates metabolic processes:

• rejuvenates and prolongs life.

The beneficial properties of the hamam are evidenced by the fact that in just one procedure you can reduce weight by two kilograms. Of course, only water will leave, but at the same time, the processes of enhanced decay of fat cells will start, and the effectiveness of any diet will increase. In addition, toxins that poison the blood and lymph will be eliminated from the body along with water, the intestines will normalize, and this will increase immunity.

Cleansed skin is able to literally breathe, absorbing oxygen from the air. After the procedure, the skin begins to actively develop new cells, becomes elastic and tender, eliminates acne and certain inflammatory phenomena. In women who regularly visit the hammam, wrinkles do not appear until their venerable age.

If there are no contraindications, a hamam can be a great way to maintain beauty and health, to heal diseases of the mind and body.

Who should not visit the hammam

A direct ban on placing a Turkish bath is rare, but you should definitely know about contraindications. If you have any chronic illness, you should first consult with your doctor to determine if you are allowed to use thermal and wet procedures. Refuse to visit the hamam will have to those who suffer from the following diseases:

• asthma;

• fungal diseases;

• purulent skin lesions;

• dermatological diseases (psoriasis, eczema, dermatosis, etc.);

• tuberculosis;

• acute respiratory viral infections in the acute stage;

• diseases of the heart and blood vessels;

• severe mental disorders.

It is extremely undesirable to be in a moist, hot atmosphere in the presence of any skin disease, as its course will worsen. Warming up the body is dangerous in the acute stage of any inflammatory process, as it overloads the heart and can provoke heart failure.

If a person suffers from severe damage to the respiratory system, then you should not risk it and visit the steam room. An asthmatic attack can be triggered.

Irreversible harm to the boors can cause at any time during pregnancy. Thermal procedures for a woman preparing to become a mother are contraindicated, as they can provoke a miscarriage or pathology of the fetus.

Turkish bath has very few contraindications. Hammam can be harmful only in a certain condition of the body or in the presence of chronic diseases.

All other people should definitely visit the Turkish bath at least once. This is a wonderful healing and just a pleasant procedure that gives pleasure and good mood.


Watch the video: How to Do a Moroccan Bath at Home (July 2024).