How to soak the cake in syrup correctly and without hassle. Syrups for soaking cakes - recipes for magic transformations


Biscuit-based baked goods, by definition, are rather dry, and it is for this that moisturizing technology with special aromatic and flavoring compounds is used. Juicy biscuits are very different from the dry option for serving desserts, they can be made spicy, chocolate, fruit and berry. One simple and verified recipe for baking biscuit cakes, complemented by several options for impregnation and creams, will make dozens of dissimilar cakes.

Cake syrups - general principles of preparation

• Sponge cakes, in order to avoid dryness of the finished product, often need additional impregnation. Most often, specially prepared syrups are used for this. Cake syrup is not just a sweetened liquid, which is soaked in a biscuit for juiciness. Various additives included in its composition give the dessert a certain taste and aroma. The choice of impregnation directly depends on the type of cake being prepared and your own taste preferences.

• Liquid and regular granulated sugar are the main components of any impregnation. When preparing it, sugar is first thoroughly dissolved in the liquid: drinking water, fruit or berry broth, then put on a small fire and brought to a boil. The hot liquid is cooled and then aromatized. If flavorings are added to the hot impregnation, they will evaporate, and the expected effect will not work.

• To properly soak the cake with syrup, you need to determine the required amount of liquid. For the calculation, you can use the special formula where the weight of the finished biscuit is taken for one part. Ideally, the mass of liquid is 0.6 of the weight of the biscuit, the cream should weigh exactly twice as much. For example, if cakes weigh one kilogram, about 600 grams of syrup should be consumed for a good impregnation.

• How to soak the cake with syrup? Simple but mandatory rules:

1. First of all, make sure that the impregnation does not turn out to be liquid, which can lead to the spread of biscuit blanks.

2. Soak only well-cooled cakes, and bring the syrup to room temperature before use. The only exception is the chocolate-based version, which, when cooled, has the property of thickening. In this particular case, the cakes should be warm, and the impregnation itself should be hot.

3. For applying syrups, use a tablespoon or dessert spoon. They scoop up the impregnation with it and apply it to the surface of the biscuit.

• It is worth noting that cake impregnation is necessary only if the product is not planned to be oiled with butter cream. To saturate the taste of such a cake, flavors and all other additional components should be added directly to the cream.

Simple brandy sugar syrup for cake

A recipe with a skate is considered basic for the preparation of such impregnations. The dessert will have a subtle aroma and a subtle flavor of cognac. Impregnation goes well with oil creams. Of course, such treats are not recommended for children.


• five large spoons of white sugar;

• a tablespoon of three-star cognac;

• seven tablespoons of drinking bottled water.

Cooking method:

1. Pour sugar into the saucepan with drinking water and set to very moderate heat.

2. Continually stirring to completely dissolve the sugar crystals, bring the mass to a boil and, immediately setting aside from the heat, cool.

3. Add cognac and mix well.

Alcohol-coffee syrup for cake soaking

Coffee impregnation is prepared on the basis of a strong coffee drink with the addition of a skate. It is used in the preparation of coffee cakes with nuts for impregnation of biscuit cakes, which are coated with low-fat coffee cream.


• a full glass of cold water;

• two tablespoons of ground coffee;

• brandy spoon;

• 200 gr. refined sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Pour sugar with 125 ml of cold water and heat over low heat until the grains dissolve. Bring to a boil, stirring, then remove from the stove.

2. Pour ground coffee into the remaining water, boil. Reduce heat to medium, brew a coffee drink for a couple of minutes and let it brew for a quarter of an hour. Then strain, mix with cognac and add to the cooled sugar syrup.

Lemon Syrup for Cake Impregnation

Lemon flavor is obtained on the basis of lemon infusion, aromatized with vanilla. If you do not like the smell of vanilla, you can exclude it, the aroma of lemon peel will be enough.


• three teaspoons of sugar;

• 250 ml of drinking purified water;

• half the average lemon;

• vanilla powder (optional component).

Cooking method:

1. Cut the half of the lemon with the zest into slices.

2. Boil water and pour lemon over boiling water. After about 10 minutes, drain all the liquid and pour sugar into it.

3. Put on low heat and boil while stirring. Remove from the stove and cool well. If the sugar grains do not dissolve, continue to stir while the mass is still hot.

4. Add vanillin to the slightly cooled sugar mass, mix well again and leave to cool completely.

Chocolate cream syrup for cake impregnation

Such chocolate syrup can be soaked in any dry biscuit. He will give the cake a delicate creamy chocolate flavor. The syrup should be applied to the warm cakes still not cooled down.


• four yolks;

• a tablespoon of water;

• 300 ml of 22% cream;

• sugar beet, refined - 1 tbsp. l .;

• 200 gr. 74% chocolate.

Cooking method:

1. Separate the yolks from the proteins in advance. Place the squirrels in the refrigerator, and pour the yolks into a clean bowl and leave them on the table, covered with a lid.

2. Dissolve granulated sugar in water and, stirring, bring to a boil in a water bath. Add the yolks to the hot syrup immediately and beat quickly.

3. Also in a water bath, melt the chocolate broken into pieces. Add the resulting chocolate mass to the egg mixture, mix thoroughly.

4. In a chilled bowl, with a cold whisk, whip the cream until fluffy and add them to the hot chocolate syrup, mix.

5. Allow the liquid to cool slightly before soaking or soak cakes that have not yet cooled.

Orange syrup for soaking vodka cake with mint

Peppermint adds to the orange flavor its unique refreshing aroma. Fresh mint leaves are used in the preparation, which are infused with the addition of vodka and sugar for about a week.


• a small orange;

• 30 gr. fresh mint;

• 200 gr. sugar

• drinking water - 125 ml;

• 100 gr. ordinary vodka.

Cooking method:

1. Thoroughly rinse the mint leaves under a stream of cold water. Dry them with a towel and chop, cut into thin strips with a knife.

2. Dilute the vodka with water, add all the sugar and stir, achieving complete dissolution of the crystals.

3. Pour crushed mint with prepared syrup, cover with a lid. Clean the container in a cool place for up to 2 weeks.

4. Strain the real syrup through a sieve and mix with freshly squeezed orange juice.

How to make currant syrup for soaking jam cake

Currant syrup is used to impregnate the Negro cake, the cakes of which are prepared for jam. It can also be used in the preparation of other biscuit cakes, in combination with sour cream. For cooking, it is not necessary to take exactly currant jam, it can be replaced with any other containing a lot of liquid.


• sparse currant jam;

• 50 gr. refined sugar;

• pure drinking water - 250 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Collect approximately a glass of jam. Separate the berries with a fine sieve. Take half a glass of liquid jam, dilute it with drinking water, add refined sugar and put on moderate heat.

2. For the sugar to dissolve well, thoroughly and continuously mix the contents of the pan. Be sure to remove the resulting foam.

3. After boiling, reduce heat, boil the syrup for a couple of minutes and remove from the stove, cool.

Cherry-brandy syrup for cake soaking

It is made from cherry juice and sugar with the addition of cognac. You can use liquid jam and canned cherries in your own juice, and control sweetness with sugar. It is good to use for cherry biscuit cakes in combination with simple sour cream creams.


• cognac - 40 ml;

• a glass of clean boiled water;

• 4 tablespoons of cherry syrup;

• sugar - 50 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Mix cherry juice with cognac and water.

2. Pour all measure of sugar, stir and place on intense heat. While still stirring, bring to a boil.

3. Then lower the heat to medium and boil the mass for another three minutes, then remove from heat and cool completely.

Cake Impregnation Syrups - Cooking Tips & Tips

• To prepare such liquids, it is better to take fine sugar. Its grains will dissolve faster and better.

• To extend the shelf life of soaked cake in hot weather, increase the sugar rate.

• Before applying the impregnating liquid, determine the condition of the cakes - whether they are dry or wet, and with which cream you will lubricate. This will help determine the amount of moisture.

• If three cakes are used in the formation of the cake, then most of the syrup, about 40%, should go to the top, a little less to the middle, and the bottom is saturated with residues, in the amount of about 20%.

• The best method of applying to biscuit blanks is spraying from a spray bottle on both sides of the cake. But this method is not applicable for thick compositions, it is better to apply them with a brush.

• To saturate the cake well with syrup, it must be refrigerated for about five hours. Be sure to pack it well, otherwise the dessert is saturated with extra flavors.


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