Reasons for female infidelity


According to statistics, female adultery is a rare occurrence. If men are polygamous in nature and the reasons for their betrayals revolve around this fact, then women, on the contrary, are distinguished by fidelity and patience. For years they can turn a blind eye to the amorous adventures of their chosen one.

But if a woman herself decides to cheat, then there is reason to think. What are the causes of female adultery?

I'm bored. Women are characterized by emotional dynamics. They cannot sit next to a man statue or perform the same actions day after day. They want the movement of life, attention and care. If not, the woman will not wait, she will begin to "act."

Creative character. It happens that a woman unexpectedly meets a man from her young dreams. Once upon a time, she built a fabulous image in her mind, but the dream man was a little late. Personal life is already arranged. But contrary to all principles of morality, a woman falls in love. And where there is love, there is sex.

I didn’t walk up. Women often rush at a young age to connect life with a man, create a family. And there is nothing wrong with that. However, they often come to the conclusion that they missed something in life. And they are trying to fill this gap with flirting and serious hobbies by other men.

Sexual dissonance. Often, women are pushed for cheating by dissatisfaction with sex. They want new, more acute sensations. Perhaps they lack extreme proximity or just diversity. There are women who need sex more often than once or twice a week. And if the chosen one is far away, for example, on a business trip, then this at all becomes torture. It is simply impossible to resist the temptation.

Treason contrary. Sometimes women find themselves in situations where treason is inevitable. For example, the persistent harassment of the boss. To save work and avoid conflicts, a woman can venture on treason. But, as a rule, these are isolated cases, since after such a woman she will be burdened with feelings of guilt before her beloved, and she will solve the problem in favor of the relationship.

Weather in the house. This applies directly to couples. Constant quarrels, reproaches, misunderstanding, resentment, contempt and tyranny on the part of her husband can not only push a woman to treason, but also to her final departure.

Husband is known in comparison. And finally, the rarest reason is to make sure that the chosen one is better than others. This can be considered pampering by a woman, which can lead to negative consequences.

In any case, female adultery always has a reason that over time can be justified by a man.


Watch the video: 5 Causes Of Infidelity In Women (June 2024).