A few secrets to proper eye care


The eyes require tireless care from every woman. If this concerns work, then you need to take a break as often as possible, during which you can sit for 5-7 minutes with your eyes closed. Doctors warn: the eyes, like the whole body, require vitamins, proper and balanced nutrition.

Grandma’s eye care secrets do not expire. To take off eye fatigue you can put cotton swabs dipped in green tea leaves on them. Such a compress not only relieves redness and eye fatigue, but also gives them a perky glow.

Skin around the eyes also needs constant care. Early wrinkles do not color any woman. In this area, the skin is extremely tender, lacking adipose tissue and muscle fibers. Now the market for cosmetic services offers a wide range of creams for the area around the eyes, which must be applied with light, stroking movements. The lower eyelid is processed from the outer corner of the eye to the inner, on the upper - vice versa.

"Bags" under the eyes - Not a rare occurrence in many women. The reasons for their appearance are many: these are cardiovascular diseases, hormonal disorders and banal overwork. To identify the real cause of such a defect, it is better to consult a specialist. If the doctor does not reveal any disturbances in the work of your body, you can use a fairly popular folk remedy - a sage compress.

Sage broth for eye compress

For 100 ml of water, one tablespoon of crushed sage is required. On low heat, the mixture boils for about three minutes. Then, after the broth is infused, it is necessary to strain it and divide it into two equal parts. One needs to cool, the second - to warm up. After that, a contrast compress is made, approximately 10 minutes each.

Swelling under the eyes is another problem of many women. A mask of potatoes helps a lot in getting rid of this cosmetic defect. Potatoes need to be peeled, grated and applied for 10-15 minutes to the site of edema.

And finally, a little secret for all women who dream about beautiful thick eyelashes. Every time before going to bed, lubricate the eyelashes with a solution of castor oil. This will help maintain their density and avoid loss.


Watch the video: 10 Great Exercises to Improve Your Eyesight (June 2024).