Valery Meladze first appeared in public with his son


Last week, the divorce of the Meladze couple was in the spotlight. The meeting was held on November 21, at which the singer’s lawyer insisted on the speediest paperwork, especially Valery leaves his wife and daughters all the property they had jointly acquired. But Irina, not wanting to divorce her husband, asked the court for additional time for reconciliation. The judge took into account all the circumstances and set aside 2 months, the next meeting will be held on January 21.

Rumors about Meladze’s divorce have been circulating since 2009. Then the journalists stunned the audience with the news of the illegitimate son of an exemplary family man. It turned out that Valery and Albina Dzhanabaeva (ex-lead singer of VIA Gra) back in 2004 had a common child. Valery, tired of rumors and gossip, officially told the media: "Yes, I have a son."

The artist decided to show his son in public only now. “Channel One” on November 30 will show the film “Nobody is Innocent,” where Valery and his son Kostya will first appear in the frame. Meladze said that he adores all his children and each of them has his surname in the column "father" from birth.


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