Is pasta for dinner a great way to lose weight and improve your health?


Foods that contain large amounts of starch and carbohydrates, eaten for dinner, can help a person strengthen control over his weight, partially suppressing his appetite for the whole coming day. In addition, eating overnight products such as bread, rice, potatoes and pasta can significantly reduce the risk of several serious illnesses, including diabetes and heart failure.

The effectiveness of this rather unusual method of losing weight was able to prove by a team of researchers at the Department of Biochemistry from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The object of their study was the Muslim diet, observed during the course of the annual monthly fasting Ramadan, according to which, in the daytime, a person should refrain from eating, and only with the onset of the evening can eat up for the whole day.

78 policemen took part in this experiment, and half of them were supposed to eat any non-greasy food for dinner, and the rest were exclusively products with high concentrations of starch and carbohydrates. The term of their diet for a more visible result was extended for six months. After the deadline, the experts conducted a special survey, thanks to which it was found that the second group of police officers, eating fatty foods, managed to achieve much more significant results in weight loss than their colleagues. So, the scientists ’attention was directed to the changes that affected the diet, three hormones: leptin - the hormone of satiety, ghrelin - the hormone of hunger, and adiponectin - the hormone of obesity.

It turned out that dinner, accompanied by a large amount of carbohydrates, helped police to reduce their hunger, as well as get rid of extra pounds, reducing fat accumulations in the body area. In addition, their health also improved - the risk of diabetes and heart disease decreased. On top of that, the researchers found that the second group of participants in the experiment acquired relatively greater capabilities in terms of controlling their nutrition, which had a beneficial effect on their ability to "keep themselves in control" for the next day, ignoring the feeling of hunger.

As Professor Zakharia Madar, who directed the study, said, the reasons for this effect on the body by foods rich in carbohydrate and starch are still unknown. However, soon a scientific new robot will be launched in Israel aimed at their establishment.


Watch the video: How to Eat Carbs and Still Lose Weight (June 2024).