Training in the pool is as effective as in the gym


All people are different, this fact is not subject to doubt. And for many, cycling, running or brisk walking is not a very convenient way to keep fit. Some suffer from joint pain, others survived an injury, others simply find it too tiring and are blown away like a balloon after a few minutes of action.

What to do in this situation? After all, physical activity is one of the important points in many diets. The answer is simple! Just add water ...

The National Canadian Congress on Cardiovascular Disease Problems found that water exercise bikes are equivalent to those on a typical earth-based exercise machine and produce the same result.

“From the point of view of high aerobic fitness, activities on land and in water have the same benefits,” says Dr. Martin Juno, head of the Department of Preventive Medicine at Montreal Heart Institute.

According to him, many people in vain underestimate the exercises in the water. They are simpler and more fun, albeit because of the slowness caused by the resistance of water, it may seem that you are not working at full capacity.

In the experiment, volunteers immersed in water gradually increased the intensity of the activity to the maximum of their capabilities. Thanks to this, it was calculated that the maximum oxygen consumption - a signal that the training was successful - was exactly the same as if people were engaged on the ground.

“For each movement, you pump more blood through the body, but your heart beats more slowly, because even pressure on the legs and lower body improves blood flow. These interesting data were previously unknown to anyone.”

Dr. Juneau’s colleague, Dr. Matthew Hyde, a physical training instructor from the same institute, adds: “Thus, from a cardiorespiratory point of view, water exercises can be even more useful. Plus, they are accessible to people of almost all ages.

Water exercises are also more effective in that getting injured in them is much more problematic than on earth. Of course, not everyone can swim or don’t have a pool close to home, but you can use this method of “charging” while relaxing at sea or in a hotel where such a pool exists. After all, if the movement helps to keep the figure in shape, then it is best to move in the water.


Watch the video: Swimming might be the best workout you're not doing (June 2024).