Is it possible to return a husband to family prayers, what to read?


The most precious thing a person has is a family, and everyone who knows firsthand how difficult it is to preserve it will agree with this. There are not so many reasons why collapse of strong families: routine, quarrels, problems of a financial nature, betrayal, life tragedies. The well-known wisdom says: happy families are equally happy, each is unhappy in her own way. But how to return the husband to the family, when the relationship finally went wrong? How to restore old warm feelings and prevent a break? There are not so many ways, but one of them is undoubtedly strong and effective - an appeal to God. Is it possible to return a husband to family prayers, about what to read - described in detail in the article.

How to return the love of a husband to his wife by prayer?

Every woman knows that love can not be bought for hard currency. And the saying about the path of the heart, lying through the stomach, does not work when another appears on the horizon. The one with which the house is lighter, and the pies are more magnificent, and the figure is slimmer. The saying does not work and when relationships lasting tens of years become obsolete. Under the influence of circumstances, relatives, other people's opinions, many give up. Only true believers who know the power of the word of God do not give up, for they know: every prayer will be heard. Higher forces are supportive of those who believe in them and know the benefits of turning to them.

There are many prayers. All of them are inherently good and harmless for both those who pronounce them and the one they are directed at. This article contains only prayers for the return of her husband without consequences.

Prayers for the return of the husband to the family

Before you read any prayer to return the cooled spouse, you should spend some time alone with yourself. Listen to yourself, try to think and identify the real reason for leaving her husband from the family. If the mistress became this reason - think whether it is her fault in what happened? Did the atmosphere in the house have to this in the beginning?

Whatever the reason for the separation, remember the immutable postulate:

Any prayer should have an extremely good message.

Avoid any negative in prayer ritual. Do not wish evil to the spouse nor to the people who contributed to his departure. All evil, backed by the word of God, will turn against you. Having decided to cope with the situation with the help of a prayer, you should first forgive anyone who caused you evil, intentionally or not. For this, it is recommended to go to church, confess, light a candle in the health of relatives and friends, and after coming home, read a prayer for forgiveness.

It is recommended to begin the prayer of forgiveness on a weekday, when you are physically cleansed with the help of a bath and spiritually with the help of meditative music or church chants.

Having retired from everyone, light a church candle and read the following prayer on fire:

“To the Lord the Father and his Son to Jesus. To the Mother of God, Mary, the Most Holy, and the apostles, angels, archangels, and holy heavenly saints, I appeal to the servant of God (name). Know that you exist in heaven, that my soul has found peace and forgiveness, I bestow upon those who were cruel to me. I forgive all their deeds, and I accept their due, and I love their actions with love. For every test of the Lord is for our good, the temporal, the hands of his servants are presented. From now on and forevermore, do not hurt me with spears, fiercely, do not touch me envious fire, do not burn me with bitter insult. I will not keep evil, as Jesus did not hold evil against those who have betrayed him, I will not desire evil, as Jesus did not want evil to crucify him. The evil word addressed to me, the good word will return to him. Warmly, given to me twice as a warmth, will return the one who presented it. In my forgiveness, I ask the grace of heaven, henceforth and ever since. Forgiveness from the heavens and those before whom I prayed. Amen!"

Having uttered these words, you will feel an uplift and joy - this means that the heavens have accepted your prayer and now you are clean before them. Then you can proceed to the ritual of returning a spouse.

Against mistress

Prayers for the husband to forget his mistress are especially effective if there is at least some subtle connection between the spouses: the presence of common children, friendly relations, preserved, but thinned feelings. Such prayers are recommended in the form of a rite.

For him you will need:

  • Sacred water;
  • Leaf of any female tree;
  • Three church candles;
  • Icon of the Mother of God, the keeper of the hearth.

On the night from Sunday to Monday, when the world is preparing to wake up and start working week with new forces, begin the ritual. Open wide the windows in the house. Pour water into a bowl and put a leaf of aspen, birch, linden, willow or another female tree in it.

Twist two candles between each other and light them in front of the icon of the Virgin Mary. Next light the third.

Starting to read a prayer, remember: it should be pronounced, abstracting from negative emotions. Do not wish evil to the casualty.

Say the words of the prayer affectionately and carefully:

“The Lord is All-Knowing and All-Seeing, His Mother the Most Holy and Blessed, hear your servant (name). As the hearth was as stubborn, not quenched, the light in the house was not dim, so I ask for help to restore your former happiness. I call the servant of God (the name of the spouse) a light in the window, warm in my heart, joy in my gaze. He will come back to me by the path taken by him, forget the path to the false God's Slave (if you know the name), my spouse who led me away, let me wish you happiness and love with each other; An aspen leaf (the name of the tree), a leaf of the women's request I am sending, I notify about my desire. As a sheet of land touches, so my house will return. In the house where I was received, where I will be forgiven, in the name of all the saints and angels of heaven, I, the servant of God (name), with all the best I invoke. Amen".

Take the woody leaf with the last words out of the water and let it fly in the window. As he touches the earth, so arises in the soul of your spouse a burning desire to return home. At the first contact, treat him with all tenderness and warmth, even if you see in him sadness or doubts - and do not lose tenderness throughout the time in the future.

The success of such a prayer has been tested by many generations. The main thing - do not stop believing, even if it seems to you that the prayer did not work. She just needs a little time, no feelings can be driven out or returned by the click of her fingers.

For a refund after a divorce

Divorce is not the worst thing that can happen in a married life. Recently, however, marriages are being dissolved more and more often and millions of people around the world cannot recover from what happened. Trying to return the spouse, to improve relations and deserve a second chance, many turn to prayers. When any methods have been exhausted, this one remains the last, although it would be worthwhile to resort to it first.

The prayer for the return of the husband to the family is read by the wife to the icon of the Mother of God. Prayers for a husband to return after a divorce require more effort than with a simple parting, which has not come to the dissolution of the marriage. First of all, you will need all your faith and pray every morning and evening, asking sincerely and reverently. However, if in your soul there is at least some doubt about the need to return your former spouse, wait a little. Give yourself a little time and think carefully: what caused the divorce? What was the relationship during the marriage? Will they improve after remarriage with this person? Can it change? If not, are you ready to tolerate it further? Is not your desire to return it to a simple attempt to return to the comfort zone?

Anyway, having decided to return the spouse, understand an important thing. Prayer can help in the return of a person, but it will not change his habits, behavior and worldview. To return is a small matter, to endure, change and change by itself is a matter that requires much more effort.

Read the following text on the icon of the Mother of God twice a day until your spouse returns:

“The All-Holy, Almighty, Mother, who gives life, carries light, instructs the way. I pray to you in the morning clear and dark in the evening, I ask you all about one thing. Forgive your children for mistakes, for marriage, in the face of the Lord's prisoner, trampling. What you did not save, you have not yet destroyed, grant your forgiveness, I pray, and have mercy on your servant (name). With the servant of God (the name of the former spouse) give a chance to establish a past relationship, give strength to build bridges burned in anger, give strength to forgiveness and call back. I promise to make every effort and a true friend to become, as before, sincerely loving, without it living without knowing. I pray for fire, in his eyes, looking at me, for warmth in his hands and the strength of hugs. As we were happy years, so be happy all our lives. Amen".

After the relationship is reestablished and the case is moved towards re-registration of the marriage, thank heaven for helping with the following prayer:

“I thank you, Most Holy, thank you with all my soul, Light, for the sake of your good, which strengthened my faith, gave me happiness, be honored forever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. ”

A prayer for a wife to return after a divorce for a man will in itself be a test. By nature, men rarely bow before their knees. For the prayer of the Mother of God to return to her beloved, you must kneel 7 minutes a day, 7 times reading the following text a week in a row:

I thank you, who gave life to Jesus, blessed by our Lord, for the servant of God (the name of the wife), who were intended to be my wife in heaven. I beg your pardon for not having saved, not keeping our marriage. I pray for the chance of correction, by the power of your faith and love. Favor be to me, your servant (name), do not leave in the flour of the day and night, my beloved wife to see please, return the past and restore happiness to a great extent. Amen".

Heaven hears every one praying, so it’s worth discarding any doubts and uttering words with fervent faith in them. Then the prayer to return after the divorce of his wife will work.

Also, thank heaven should be the above thanksgiving prayer in the event of a successful outcome.

Prayer of the Blessed Virgin Mary

This appeal to the Blessed Virgin Mary helps not only in cases where relationships are destroyed and the spouses or partners live separately. It helps to strengthen the relationship going to the discord, to return the former passion and tenderness.

Read it can any of the spouses:

“Mother of God, Holy Virgin, Good Mother, be not indifferent, be merciful and just. The light bestowed on people, turn on their slaves (names), help strengthen true love, hold hands together and let them not disperse them. In the name of the deeds of the saints, in the name of the saints of God, in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, grant us good. Amen".

Prayer Matrona of Moscow

None of the saints who lived on earth have heard so many requests for help with a disordered relationship, like the Holy Matron of Moscow. The best answer to the question of how to bring a husband home in one day is the prayer of the Holy Matron. The words, compiled by her, transcribed in different ways by her honor, live in human hearts today. Their strength is growing with each utterance, and therefore they help better than many.

Read the following text:

“The miracles and blessings created by you are incalculable, flowing rivers of your grace, sent to you by God. The lame come up, stand up, the lying ones, with the spirit in their heads, as if liberated from the evil spirit. To you, Matronushka, as to the miraculous source, the infinite and the holy, strive to the suffering. Consolation, heal those who turned to you with a pure heart, the righteous one sent by the Lord, redeeming ailments and giving light to the soul, helping with advice, resolving doubts. He exorcines the devils from the sick, to God, keeping on the way, I pray to you. The blessed holy mother, be supportive of the servant of God (name), but stand up before the Lord for our happiness with the servant of God (the name of the spouse), in marriage and without. That I will pray for you nightly, until the end of my sufferings, until the fulfillment of my dreams, until the return of my happiness. Amen, wonderworker! ”

There are many ways to return a husband to family prayers. The key to success of each of them is sincere faith and readiness to make every effort not only in case of success, but also before it and in spite of it. And of course, they should be attached at the first sign of discord in a family or relationship. Do not wait until the end comes, do not expect action from the partner, act yourself. Keep and protect the family hearth throughout your life, and your loved one, seeing this, will value your care doubly.


Watch the video: Prayer For Marriage Restoration - Prayer For Restoration Of Marriage (June 2024).