10 week of pregnancy. Fetal development and sensation at 10 weeks of gestation.


10 weeks is an important stage of pregnancy, it is during this period that the formation of the main organs, systems and brain of the baby begins, so the expectant mother should be especially careful. Timely passing a medical examination, observing a proper diet, and staying in the fresh air have a beneficial effect on the health status of a pregnant woman and an unborn baby, in no case should they be neglected.

Changes in the body at 10 weeks of gestation

At the 10th week of pregnancy, a serious restructuring takes place in the body of the expectant mother, moreover, her symptoms are noticeable not only to the pregnant woman, but also to those around her. Gradually, forms begin to round up, weight gain increases from 150 grams to 1-1.3 kilograms per week, the waist gradually disappears, the breast increases, white Montgomery vesicles appear on the nipples, designed to facilitate the process of feeding the baby. In some cases, the body can not cope with the removal of fluid, which leads to severe edema, freckles, moles or age spots appear on the body.

The condition of the fetus at 10 weeks of gestation

At the 10th week, the embryo finally turns into a fetus, it forms a body, internal organs, fingers, future milk teeth, the brain quickly develops (250 thousand neurons are produced per minute), the tail disappears, and the diaphragm begins to form. The genitals are not yet so pronounced that one can talk about the gender of the child, however, if a boy develops in the woman’s body, his testicles begin to produce the hormone testosterone.

The weight of the future baby is 5 grams, its size is 4 centimeters. During the ultrasound examination, it is already possible to take a picture showing the fetus, as well as to feel how the heart beats.

The 10th week is a kind of milestone, overcoming which a pregnant woman can be 90 percent sure that the baby does not have serious pathologies and that he will safely “live” in the womb until he is born.

Possible sensations at 10 weeks of gestation

At 10 weeks, pregnant women often have weakness and a rapid heartbeat. Such phenomena are easily explained, during this period there is a restructuring of the circulatory system, the blood volume increases, now it should nourish not only the body of the fair sex, but also the fetus. Due to changes in the body, a pregnant woman may experience increased fatigue and drowsiness, mood swings are often due to hormonal changes, and in some cases it comes to prolonged depression. It is important that at the 10th week of pregnancy the future mother is supported by relatives, she should be as calm and balanced as possible so that the nervous state does not negatively affect the baby's health. As for the physiological state, the woman often feels heaviness and lasting sensations in the lower abdomen, this phenomenon occurs due to the raising of the uterus.

Necessary medical supervision

With a period of 10 weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother must pass a general blood test and a sugar test (especially important for women over 25 years of age and overweight women), urinalysis.

Quite often, experts recommend that a pregnant woman pass an analysis of hCG (the level of the hormone chorionic gonadotropin), especially if a miscarriage is suspected. The results of the study allow us to determine whether pregnancy is developing favorably.
At the 10th week, the date of analysis is set for a biopsy of the chorionic villi, which allows us to determine the genetic abnormalities in the child in the early stages, the responsible procedure itself is carried out a little later.

The moment of transformation of the embryo into a fetus is very crucial, during this period it is important that the woman’s body does not have infections. If there is pain, burning, discomfort when urinating, or vaginal discharge that has an unpleasant odor, you should immediately consult a doctor. Pathogens can lead to intrauterine infection and miscarriage.

General recommendations

At the 10th week of pregnancy, a woman is actively gaining weight, so it is important for her to realize that dieting for weight loss while the baby is in the womb is unacceptable. The intensive formation of a child requires the mother to consume a vitamin and mineral complex, fruits with a lot of liquid (watermelon, apples, grapes, melons, pears, etc.).

Proper nutrition should be combined with outdoor recreation and a good night's sleep. It is important to be in a calm and balanced state, if there are pronounced signs of depression, you should seek help from a specialist.

Weekly Pregnancy Calendar:


Natasha 11/16/2016
Yes, my waist also began to bother me)))))))) It seems to me there is no belly yet, but there is no waist either. We, too, have already been 10 weeks old and this is some kind of first important figure for me, the first time I thought that we were adults))))) There are all sorts of fears, everything revolves in the head, especially until there was an ultrasound on the pathology, I reassure myself that the stomach not pulling, lower back does not hurt and all pah, pah. It means everything is OK… ))))))))

Maria 03/28/2016
Cool! I have 10 weeks, which means that my child is no longer in danger! They just write so much about the different causes of abortion, about miscarriages, a missed pregnancy ... All the time you live on needles!

Julia 03/28/2016
I have 10 weeks already! Edema began to appear, but not much. I didn’t think that it was necessary to take tests so early. I haven’t taken anything yet, now I’ll go terrorize the doctor. In addition to mood swings, everything is fine.

Alena 03/28/2016
My sister is pregnant. Oh my God! I didn’t know. that pregnant is so hard! Everything is wrong with her, you just have to try to defend your point of view - immediately tears. And you feel like the last reptile. I really try not to communicate with her at all, but I need to help something, I don’t know how much I will endure ... It’s as if I’m pregnant, not she)))

Checkmark 03/28/2016
Thank you, console! I was worried about dieting for as long as I can remember, I always go on diets, but I feel like eating like that ... Weight began to gain weight and I got worried. Now I won’t worry, it's all for the baby!


Watch the video: Your Changing Body, at 9 -12 Weeks Pregnant. Kaiser Permanente (May 2024).