Juice from pumpkins and carrots at home - a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients! Conquering with its amazing taste, juice from pumpkin and carrots: recipes and secrets


There are many varieties of pumpkin juice.

It is combined both with fruits (orange, plum, pears), and with berries (cranberries, currants). But one of the most optimal combinations is a mixture of pumpkins and carrots. And, strangely enough, it is this compound that nutritionists recognize as the most balanced flavor composition, because the peculiar taste of pumpkin perfectly neutralizes carrots.

Both pumpkin and carrot juice are among the most healthy drinks to maintain good health. All this thanks to a number of useful mineral elements and organic substances contained in them. In addition, their vegetable duo leads to a higher concentration of yellow-orange pigment - carotene, which, when ingested, turns into the well-known vitamin A. It is, in turn, useful for the prevention of a number of diseases.

Such a tasty and easy to prepare juice from pumpkins and carrots can hardly leave anyone indifferent. And in the cold seasons it will also serve as the best way to strengthen the immune system, cleanse the body and improve it.

General principles of preparation:

• We clean the pumpkin from the peel, seeds and excess fibers, cut into medium pieces and, using a juicer (blender or mixer), mashed. We do the same with carrots. We complete the preparation of a pumpkin and carrot drink by mixing vegetable juices. Done!

• Generally, mixing proportions are arbitrary. Carrot and pumpkin juice are combined in a ratio of 1: 1. When mixing these vegetables with other additives, it is worth remembering that the taste of pumpkin will always dominate, so you can take it a little less.

• If the pumpkin variety is too sweet and sugary, then you can refuse to add granulated sugar.

• You should be especially careful when choosing a pumpkin. For the preparation of juice, it is recommended to choose a pumpkin variety of "Muscat". Although it ripens last, its fruits are considered the most delicious and pleasantly sweet. Choose a smooth, undamaged pumpkin, with no dents or even color.

• Pumpkin ripeness plays a crucial role. Determining it is not difficult: if the pumpkin is difficult to cut, then its fruits are ripe. Another defining sign is a solid and slightly dried stalk, faded leaves, bright color and matte coating.

Traditional recipe for pumpkin and carrot juice


• A whole large pumpkin;

• Four carrots;

• A pinch of citric acid.

Cooking method:

1. It is necessary to carefully prepare the pumpkin for canning: wash, cut into two parts, peel, remove seeds.

2. Sliced ​​in cubes pumpkin sent to the pan. Cook over medium heat for 30-45 minutes.

3. Peel the carrots and pass through a juicer.

4. The boiled pumpkin is crushed with a blender until smooth.

5. Combine the vegetable purees in a 1: 1 ratio, mix, pour into sterilized jars, tightly close the metal lids and leave it warm. The treat is ready for the winter!

Pumpkin, carrot and dried apricot juice


• Pumpkin - 3, 5 kg;

• 5 medium carrots;

• Dried apricots - 400 g;

• Water - 4 l.

Cooking method:

1. Peel pumpkin and carrots, peel dried apricots thoroughly. All of these ingredients are placed in a deep saucepan and pour water so that they are completely immersed.

2. As soon as the water begins to boil, we continue to brew our "cocktail" on medium heat for 2 hours.

3. From boiled vegetables with a blender we get a bright, fortified puree with apricot flavor. If it is very thick, just dilute with water.

Pumpkin and carrot juice with celery


• Pumpkin - 1 kg;

• Carrots - 4 pieces;

• Celery - 100 g;

• Sugar - 150 g.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the pumpkin, cut the skin and cut it into pieces of such a size that it fits easily into the juicer.

2. Peel and cut carrots with celery.

3. Pass all the vegetables through the juicer at maximum speed. We advise you not to discard the pulp.

4. Then mix all the juices, boil with the addition of citric acid in a ratio of 3: 1. That is, to three liters of pumpkin juice we add one liter of carrot. We put on fire, bring to a boil, remove the foam. Add a glass of sugar, mix and boil the juice for 2-3 minutes.

5. Pour into sterilized jars, roll up the lids and turn upside down. Leave warm, let cool completely. In winter, you can enjoy delicious natural juice!

Carrot-pumpkin juice with olive oil


• Pumpkin - 1 kg;

• Carrots - 3 pieces;

• Olive oil - 1 teaspoon per glass of finished juice.

Cooking method:

1. Peel and cut the recipe vegetables. Add half of the carrot to one part of the pumpkin. In this recipe, we prepare juice in portions per each guest. We pass the vegetables through a juicer, mix in the same proportion and pour into glasses.

2. Add a teaspoon of olive oil (or vegetable) to the cup of the drink. Such juice is perishable, so it is worth drinking immediately.

3. You can decorate the juice with a slice of fresh orange or lemon.

Fresh juice from pumpkins, carrots and apples


• 1 kg of pumpkin;

• 3 medium carrots;

• Sugar - 100 g;

• One and a half liters of water;

• 4 medium-sized apples.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the pumpkin thoroughly, peel it and put it in a pan. Fill with water and leave to boil until soft (cooking time depends on the type of pumpkin).

2. Using a blender, we begin to beat the pumpkin. Then we return to the gas, pour it with syrup (a mixture of water and sugar) and bring to a boil again.

3. The apples are peeled and cut into quarters. Cut the carrots into cubes. We pass them through a juicer and send them to boiling pumpkin puree.

4. Pour the resulting drink into cans and leave to cool.

5. After several hours, decorate the fruit and vegetable “smoothie” with fresh berries, fruit slices or a leaf of mint.

Pumpkin and carrot juice without using a juicer


• A kilogram of pumpkin;

• Carrots - 500 g;

• 100 g sugar;

• Two lemons.

Cooking method:

1. We remove carrots and pumpkin from the peel. Peeled vegetables are cut into several segments and passed through a fine grater (meat grinder). It is easy to squeeze the juice and separate the pulp and will help any other tissue that can pass moisture. Squeeze the juice with gauze. Squeeze a lemon here.

2. Add the obtained liquids to the enameled pan, sprinkle with sugar and put on a small fire.

3. Next, you need to bring to a boil and leave on medium gas for 5-7 minutes at a temperature of 90 degrees (at this temperature, the pumpkin retains its useful properties to the maximum).

4. Having sterilized jars and lids for preparing juice for the winter, pour, tightly close and turn the lid down. In this position, leave for an hour, covering the banks with something warm in order to keep the heat longer. Subsequently, we remove it into a dark place.

Pumpkin and carrot juice in a slow cooker


• Pumpkin - 2 kg;

• Carrots - 6 pieces;

• Two liters of water;

• 500 g of granulated sugar;

• 1 teaspoon of vanilla sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Peel the pumpkin and carrots and place in the multicooker bowl. Set the "stewing" mode with the choice of the product "vegetables". Add sugar and pour water to the brim, stir and leave to cook. A mixture of pumpkin and carrot is boiled, usually in an hour, but here the power of your slow cooker matters. Pumpkin should be soft and completely boiled.

2. Cool the vegetable mixture and grind it in the combine (you can use a blender or mixer).

3. The prepared mashed potatoes are again placed in the multicooker bowl, poured with water in which it was cooked at the first stage, and left in the same mode for 10-15 minutes.

Tips and Tricks:

• To make the juice not only a delicious delicacy, but also a bright decoration of the table, to give it a richness, you should choose young pumpkin fruits. They are also famous for their high content of natural fructose and carotene.

• A pinch of citric acid will extend the period of preservation of carrot-pumpkin juice for the winter.

• To serve the drink chilled, you can put in a glass several cubes of pre-frozen orange juice.

• Lemon juice can not be added if apples are declared in the recipe. They will perfectly cope with the role of "acid".

• The most useful is considered natural freshly squeezed pumpkin juice with the addition of carrots. After all, only in the absence of heat treatment can he maximize his healing properties.

• If the juice turned out a little thick - this is fixable. Dilute it with boiled water.

Possessing hypoallergenic properties, pumpkin dishes are introduced into the diet of even the smallest children. But pumpkin, like any product, has its contraindications to consumption. If you have a tendency to allergic reactions, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (especially during their exacerbation), then the drink should be treated with extreme caution. It is best to get a doctor’s consultation specifying in what form and how often you can take pumpkin and carrot juice for your illness.

Pumpkin and carrot juice is a harmonious duet. Their vegetable mixture will make up for the lack of almost all trace elements in the human body. A bright orange drink will undoubtedly decorate any festive feast, increase vitality, help relieve fatigue, give a surge of strength and a good mood!

Cook with us! Enjoy your meal!


Watch the video: Методы накачки рук (July 2024).