Gardnerella in men: causes, symptoms. Methods of treating gardnerella in men, prevention of infection


Gardnerella is a pathogenic microorganism that often lives in the vaginal microflora of women.

In men, this disease is less common. In them, it is considered exclusively an infectious pathology, which can lead to rather serious complications. Consider in more detail the symptoms of gardnerella in men, methods of treatment and prevention of such a disease.

Gardnerella in men: causes

First of all, it must be said that by its nature gardnerellosis is a dysbacteriosis of the vagina in women, therefore it is not entirely correct for representatives of the stronger sex to establish such a diagnosis. Sometimes the active pathogens of gardnerella provoke signs of urethritis in men, which is manifested by specific symptoms.

The main route of gardnerella infection in men is unprotected sexual contact with a woman who is an active carrier of infection. In fact, this is the only possible way to transmit the disease.

Through kisses, shaking hands, using public toilets, etc. gardnerellosis is not transmitted.

According to statistics, the gardnerella bacterium in the male body does not remain for a long time, especially if a person has a strong immune system. If within three days the infection leaves the genitourinary system, then the harm from it is minimal. The situation changes when the bacterium lingers in the body longer than five days. In this case, the acute course of the disease becomes quite real.

It is also worth noting that even if a healthy man does not undergo this disease, he will still become its carrier (gardnerellosis will not manifest in any way, however, the person will infect his sexual partner with unprotected sex).

Most often, the following factors contribute to the development of gardnerellosis in the body (after infection):

1. Long-term use of certain groups of drugs (especially antidepressants and antibiotics).

2. Previously transmitted diseases of the genitourinary system, as well as chronic pathologies.

3. A strong weakening of the immune system of a man, which can be caused by stress, chronic overwork or heavy physical exertion.

4. The presence in the male body of parallel sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia, herpes, gonorrhea, etc.). In this condition, a person will be even more prone to defeat the gardnerella.

5. Frequent change of sexual partners without the use of a condom.

6. The chronic form of vaginosis in a sexual partner, which occurs even with systematic therapeutic therapy.

Gardnerellosis in men: symptoms and signs

Gardnerellosis in men is manifested by the following symptoms:

1. At first, the man feels discomfort and a slight burning sensation during urination and sexual intercourse. Over time (if untreated), painful pains can bother a person even at rest.

2. Gradually urge to urinate frequently. In this case, the excretion of urine may be negligible.

3. A person may feel heaviness in the lower abdomen. In the morning, greenish discharge from the genitourinary system may be observed.

4. Gardnerella in men is very characteristic of the appearance of an unpleasant specific smell, which is practically not eliminated even after washing.

Gardnerellosis in men: treatment methods

Before prescribing treatment, a patient with suspected gardnerella should be thoroughly diagnosed. Usually, a smear from the urethra in men is taken for this. Further treatment is selected individually depending on the results of the tests, as well as the presence of parallel diseases of the genitourinary system.

Traditional therapy for gardnerella in men has the following features:

1. The patient must follow a diet. It provides for a complete rejection of alcohol, smoking, sweet, fried and greasy. The diet should be enriched with vegetables, nuts, dairy products and fruits. This is necessary to strengthen the immune system.

2. For the period of therapy, a person should refuse unprotected intimate communication. Moreover, the whole treatment may not make sense if the patient’s sexual partner does not pass the tests and does not begin her treatment course (more than 95% of all cases of male gardnerellosis in their sexual partners also show this disease).

3. Without fail, the patient is prescribed potent antibacterial drugs. They are necessary to quickly suppress the activity of infection. These drugs can be in the form of tablets, injections, as well as local ointments. It is best if a person uses several different forms of antibiotic release at once. So you can achieve the maximum therapeutic effect.

The most effective drugs of this therapeutic focus are Dalacin gel, Trichopolum, Tricaside and the drug Metrogil (a derivative of Metronidazole). Moreover, with the development of complications in the genitourinary system, it is customary to prescribe tetracycline antibiotics.

4. During the treatment period, a man is recommended to observe especially thorough genital hygiene. It is also advisable to wear soft cotton underwear that will not irritate the skin as much as synthetic.

5. To strengthen the immune system, additional vitamin complexes may be prescribed to the patient.

6. During treatment, the patient does not have to be in a hospital setting, but he should still visit the doctor for a follow-up examination. Moreover, before the end of the course of therapy, it is not advisable for a person to visit a bathhouse, swimming pool and exert great physical stress on his body.

7. It is very important to prescribe probiotics during antibiotic therapy. These drugs will restore the normal functioning of the intestine, the microflora of which is greatly disturbed when taking antibacterial drugs. One of the most effective drugs in this group are Linex, Liktobakterin and Hilak Forte. The course of admission should be at least fourteen days.

The total duration of treatment should be at least three weeks. After therapy, the patient must be re-tested for the detection of bacteria. If its activity was not suppressed by drugs, then the attending physician should prescribe more potent analogues of the antibiotics used.

When treating gardnerella, it is very important to exclude the possibility of relapse. For this reason, for another six months, a person should take control tests from time to time. When the first signs of the re-development of the disease appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Gardnerellosis in men: treatment, prevention, complications

To reduce the risk of contracting gardnerella, men need to adhere to the following doctor's recommendations:

1. Carefully observe intimate hygiene (wash at least twice a day, use high-quality soap).

2. Have one regular sexual partner whom you trust.

3. At least twice a year, along with a sexual partner, take tests for the detection of gardnerella and other genital infections. This is a standard preventive procedure that will help to identify the disease in time even before it becomes chronic and begins to cause serious complications.

4. Avoid accidental sexual intercourse, especially without the use of a condom. In this case, the man risks not only contracting “mild” sexually transmitted diseases, but also catch hepatitis, HIV infection, syphilis and other dangerous diseases.

5. At the first manifestations of infection, in no case should you self-medicate. It will be most correct to turn to an experienced urologist, take tests and undergo a general examination.

6. Avoid stress and excessive physical exertion.

7. Eat properly to strengthen immunity.

In the absence of timely treatment therapy in a person with a gardnerella lesion, the following complications may develop:

1. Chronic prostatitis.

2. Vesiculitis (usually it manifests itself in acute form).

3. Urinary incontinence.

4. Chronic pain during urination.

5. Pyelonephritis (kidney disease).

6. Cystitis (can be not only in women, but also in men).

7. An abscess is one of the most serious complications that can occur with very weakened immunity. In this case, a person will need serious medical therapy, as well as treatment of the affected area of ​​the urethra with special antiseptic solutions and ointments.


Watch the video: What is Bacterial Vaginosis? Vaginal Bacterial Overgrowth (June 2024).