November 6: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


International Day for the Protection of the Environment from Environmental Disturbance during War and Armed Conflict

The causes of the war do not matter, its outcome becomes important - the whole of humanity can suffer. The United Nations decided to mark the day of November 6, in order to draw attention to these aspects. To operate the environment safely, to prevent armed conflicts in order to minimize the possible damage from the suffering of war - these are the goals the United Nations sets in its work today. The conduct of wars is regulated by the Geneva Convention. For example, according to its decisions, the destruction of agricultural land is prohibited so that the ecological balance is not disturbed. Agreements are currently being revised. The main goal is to avoid the unintentional and intentional disturbance of the ecological balance of the entire planet.

Swedish Culture Day in Finland

Only 6% of Swedes live in Finland, however, Swedish is used as the second official language in the country. In the Alans, where the Swedish population is more concentrated, more Swedish is used than Finnish. On this day, November 6th, the day of Swedish culture. The national flag of Sweden is hoisted and events are held that tell about the most prominent cultural figures of Sweden (Alfred Nobel, Astrid Lindgren, Karl von Linney).

Other than that, on this day

Blissful Nuno's Day in Portugal

November 6, for many centuries in Portugal, has been glorifying Blessed Nuno Alvarez (Pereira), a brilliant Portuguese general of the 14th century who played a huge role in the liberation of the country from Castile. The brave Portuguese, having an advantage over the enemy by 4 times, still managed to defeat the Castilians, and forced them to flee. Subsequently, Pereira leaves his military career and becomes the founder of the Monastery of Our Lady in Lisbon. Praying earnestly and faithfully serving the Mother of God, he ended his days with a great monk, the same as he was a great commander. Nuno was the king's closest friend. Canonized as a saint in 1918.

Melbourne Cup Racing (Melbourne Cup)

In 2012, this competition fell on November 6th. The cup was first held in 1861. These are the “leaps that stop the nation”, a kind of national institution that creates and generates the country's energy, causing more interest than any other events these days. Various cups in Australia are held almost monthly, but the Melbourne Cup is the most prestigious, the most “expensive”: the prize fund totals 5 million Australian dollars.

Sorrowful Mother of God, Mother of God

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God is called the Joy of All Who Sorrow. Virgin Mary is surrounded by sick and suffering people, as well as angels. The first information about the icon appeared in the 17th century, when the sister of the patriarch of Moscow, Joachim, was healed. Euphemia heard a divine voice calling her to go to the temple and pray. After praying, she felt healthy. The image many times caused healing of the sick. At this time, the number of housework has already decreased significantly, and the gatherings of the girls in the evenings began. This day itself was called Svetsets, a delight for girls. On this day, the icon of the Mother of God was prayed, they asked her for health and well-being.

November 6, 1492 Christopher Columbus became acquainted with smoking

Once in an Indian village, Columbus marveled at the strange custom of the natives: they smoked tobacco. It was on the island of Cuba, they called the pipe "Tobaco." Breathing in the fragrant smoke, they rested and enjoyed. Tobacco came to Europe thanks to the monk Roman Panet, who ended up on a second expedition to Cuba as a missionary. He brought tobacco to Portugal and then to Spain. For 100 years, smoking has spread to all continents. Tobacco was given for the holidays as gifts, including to kings and queens. But excessive consumption of tobacco began to lead to disease, so the state and the church began to struggle with the phenomenon of smoking. In America, a special execution was conceived for smokers; in Turkey, they were imprisoned. The Italian church excommunicated smokers from the church, they were walled up in the wall. In Russia, by a royal decree in the 17th century, smokers were punished with 60 hits on their heels.

November 6, 1930 KIM Moscow Automobile Assembly Plant began work

Subsequently, this plant began to bear the name AZLK (KIM), OAO Moskvich. Initially, an American Ford-AA car was assembled at its base. Two years later, the first GAZ-A passenger cars were already produced, and in 1941 the mass production of the domestic compact car KIM-10 began. At the end of the war, the plant began to produce Moskvich-400 cars, similar to the German Opel Kadett, produced in 1938. Today, the Avtoframos enterprise, representing the Franco-Russian Renault car company, operates on the territory of the plant.

November 6, 1941 Stalin addressed the Soviet people

In early November 1941, the country was preparing for the parade of troops on Red Square, which was to be held on November 7. On this day, Stalin delivered his report on the 24th anniversary of the revolution, which caused a huge patriotic upsurge in the country. Soviet people were ready to give everything in order to win the Great Patriotic War. The main task was to arm the Red Army, to give it a sufficient amount of food and ammunition. The motto "Everything for the front, everything for the victory!" inspired people to labor exploits. On October 6, a wave of rallies took place across the country. The people supported the slogan of their leader, "Victory will be ours!"

November 6, 1991 the activities of the communist party in Russia and the former USSR

Less than three months passed after Yeltsin signed the documents on the termination of the activities of political parties and mass movements in state bodies of the RSFR. He considered the main goal of these events to enhance the country's prestige in the world community, which was disqualified during the years of the Communist Party. USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev could not react to the crisis in August, as he was isolated in the Crimea on vacation. The Soviet Union collapsed, B. Yeltsin remained the president of Russia, and he signed a decree on the cessation of party activity and the nationalization of party property.

October 6, 1919 - official confirmation of Einstein's General Theory of Relativity

The meeting of the British Royal Society was held jointly with the Astronomical Society. On this day, the English astronomer Arthur Eddington presented a confirmation of the General Theory of Relativity, the main provisions of which were derived by Albert Einstein. During the eclipse, a deviation of light was discovered in the gravitational field of the Sun, which the great scientist predicted in his theory. Newtonian laws in this dimension gave errors. Of course, at first the essence of Einstein's theory was distorted and the results of observing the total solar eclipse were not yet fully processed, however, all the newspapers in Europe printed the news. Einstein's fame began precisely from this meeting.

Adolf Sachs (814-1894), master of flutes and clarinets

It was he who, having accepted the leadership of his father’s wind instrument workshop, at a young age, installed 24 valves in the clarinet in B of the German system. He improved the sound of the bass clarinet, and came up with a new instrument, which was called the saxophone (the sound found by Sax). He organized training on playing the saxophone at the Paris Conservatory, and also invented a series of other musical instruments - saxorgons.

Alla Surikova (1940), director, author of the idea of ​​creating a humorous magazine "Jumble"

The real success brought her in 1979 the picture "Vanity of vanities." More than 30 million viewers watched Karina. Her unforgettable comedies “Be my husband”, “Look for a woman”, “A man from the Capuchin Boulevard” belong to the gold fund of Soviet cinema. Many films were shot by Alla Surikova after the collapse of the USSR, having organized the non-profit studio "Positive Film". According to her idea, the festival of comedy films "Smile, Russia" was organized in 2001.

Charles Doe (1851 - 1902), journalist, co-author of the Dow Jones Index

He wrote his first financial articles at a very young age, and they laid the foundation for an industry such as financial journalism. Then he opens his own publishing business, and publishes tables with prices for various stocks and their analysis in his Customer's Afternoon Letter magazine. For the convenience of calculations, he, together with Edward Johnson, comes up with his famous index, which allows you to determine the direction of price movement in the securities market.

Marina Khlebnikova (1965), passionate singer, TV host

Marina Khlebnikova began her concert activity in the Integral group, then there were Na-na groups and solo performances. At the contest "Yalta -91" she becomes a laureate with the song "Paradise in a hut." Then her first album comes out and solo concerts are held. For 5 years, she hosted on the television program Street of Your Fate, Stairway to Heaven, and Fortune on the Mayak radio station.

Emil Loteanu (1936-2003), Moldavian film director

The beginning of his career was laid out by the film “Wait for us at dawn”, shot at the “Moldova-film” film studio. His films: “Lautars” about folk musicians, “Red Glades” about Moldovan shepherds, “Tabor Goes to Heaven”, “My Tender and Tender Beast” and others.

Dmitry Mamin-Sibiryak (1852-1912) - Russian realist writer

Dmitry Narkisovich traveled a lot in the Urals, studied ethnography and local folklore. A series of essays on ordinary people and the Siberian nature "From the Urals to Moscow", the work "On the border of Asia", "In the stones", "In thin souls" are known. He wrote several works, but the most famous are Privalov Millions, Siberian Stories, Alenushkina Tales and The Gray Neck for children.

On this day name day holders of the following names celebrate: Alexei, Irakliy, Nikolai, Peter, Athanasius, Ivan.


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