Women's opinion: shopping is the best cure for stress


What drugs can cope with the amount of stress that haunts us daily? But successful shopping, according to sociologists, perfectly relieves nervous tension.

According to a survey of one well-known Internet portal, the purpose of which was to find out what users are resorting to in order to relieve stress, it turns out that stores help 65% of women and 40% of men to get rid of bad mood! Many of the survey participants (and there were more than a thousand) directly stated that shopping is an excellent remedy for stress. True, women find "consolation" in the purchase of fashionable clothes, but men prefer to invest in their favorite foods, CDs, computer games, gadgets and toys. Both those and others like to buy newspapers, magazines, various accessories, shoes.

The reasons for visiting the shops can also be different, but they all come down to one thing - to cheer yourself up. So, 20% of respondents go shopping after a working day to relax. A quarrel with a loved one is an occasion to visit a supermarket or boutique for 12% of respondents, and 14% rush for new clothes or something tasty, having received unpleasant news.

There were also many fans of online shopping. Why spend time shopping, they say, if you can relax in online stores. But these are not the only charms of online shopping. For many respondents, this is a huge selection of products and fairly low prices.


Olga 10/23/2016
Shopping is not a cure
