Why do pears dream: what do the dream books of Miller, Wangi, Freud and others say. Interpretation of dreams about pears and related situations


A pear in a dream, like most fruits, has both positive and negative interpretations.

In this case, you need to pay attention to the appearance of this fruit, its degree of maturity and size.

Let's try to understand in more detail what pears dream of, and what such a dream can portend for a person.

Pear in a dream: positive interpretations

1) To see a ripe, sweet pear in a dream is a favorable sign that promises you great news, prosperity and a successful marriage;

2) if you saw this fruit in a baked form, and it looked quite appetizing - this is a sign that you will have success in business and fast career growth;

3) if you pick fruits from a tree in a dream - your well-being will soon improve significantly;

4) if you eat pears in a dream - to profit, which will come to you from a completely unexpected source and help solve most of the problems;

5) if in a dream you are collecting these fruits - this is also a good sign promising success and prosperity, but for this you will have to work hard. However, to achieve success will not be so easy, be prepared for difficulties;

6) if you make compote from pears in a dream - this is a sign that all your difficulties, finally, are far behind, now only good events await you in the future;

7) if in a dream you look at a tree and rejoice in the liquid, appetizing fruits of a pear on it - this is to favorable changes. Very soon, luck, success and many pleasant and useful acquaintances await you;

8) if you watch how other people collect these fruits - to pleasant surprises;

9) if you care for a tree with pears - this is a sign that you will finally be able to make peace with people with whom you have been in a quarrel for a long time. It is also likely that relations with a person with whom you previously had a serious relationship will be restored;

10) if you conserve pears in a dream - this is a sign that you are able to perceive all the problems and failures philosophically. This approach will be very suitable, and it will help you achieve success in the future;

11) if you shake a tree with pears in a dream - to honor and respect.

Pear in a dream: adverse interpretations

1) If you saw in a dream baked pears, which were solid at the same time, this is not a good sign that promises problems and troubles in the near future;

2) if you eat rotten pears in a dream - to illness, worms - to deterioration of well-being, loss of strength, weakness, loneliness;

3) eat a fruit that gives out strong bitterness - to troubles and problems;

4) to see fruit that has been knocked down from a tree and that are lying on the ground is a sign that you are very tired, and you need to rest. Take a vacation, take care of your own health, otherwise very unpleasant consequences are possible;

5) if you wash fruits in a dream - such a dream promises problems with the gastrointestinal tract, there is a high probability of poisoning;

6) if you watch someone else eating a pear in a dream - to health problems and troubles for people close to you or friends;

7) if you are in a dream chopping a tree with these fruits - this means that it is time to think about changing your lifestyle, give up bad habits and go in for sports, otherwise inevitable health problems await you;

8) if you are trying hard to reach the fruit on the tree, but all your attempts are futile - to difficulties and losses in real life, the plans cannot be implemented;

9) if you cook pear jam in a dream - this means that your peace of mind will soon be disturbed, self-esteem will rapidly roll down;

10) if you are selling these fruits in a dream - this is a sign that your irresponsibility may adversely affect your family or friends;

11) if you purchase fruits in a dream - this means that your negligence and irresponsibility can greatly harm you;

12) if you dry the fruits in a dream - this is a symbol of routine and boredom in your life. You obviously lack variety and vivid emotions; relationships with your loved one come to a standstill;

13) to see in a dream a vase with ripe fruit - a sign that your relationship with friends is bored;

14) wild pears - a harbinger of disappointment and sadness. A difficult stretch of life awaits you, not promising anything good;

15) green, sour fruits - a symbol of sorrows and tears;

16) eat pears in a dream - a warning sign that you will soon meet people from whom, apart from deception and negative emotions, you will not get anything;

17) if you give someone a pear - be careful, someone wants to trick you or drag you into some kind of scam;

18) if in a dream someone gave you a fruit that was already bitten - to scandals in the family;

19) see a very large pear - a sign of great difficulties and troubles that may arise in the process of any work;

20) a dried tree with pears - a symbol of betrayal and duplicity. Dream Interpretation recommends a closer look at your surroundings, perhaps some of them have the idea of ​​setting you up or tricking you.

What does a pear in a dream mean for a man and woman

For a man, a pear in a dream is a sign of his desire to meet his soulmate, with whom he forms a strong and friendly family. The appearance of this fruit in a dream says that it can happen very soon. If a man eats a pear in a dream - this is a sign that very soon he will have a very attractive young girl with whom he will have an intimate relationship.

For a woman, a ripe, juicy pear in a dream is a harbinger of a profitable marriage and a beautiful life, which she had only dreamed about before. For a pregnant girl, a dream with a pear means that she will have a daughter.

What is the dream of the pear in Miller’s dream book

• If you eat a pear in a dream - this is not a good sign that promises problems in business and poor health;

• if you admire beautiful, golden fruits on a tree in a dream - this is a sign that soon you will be favored by luck, and you will see many good prospects in life;

• to collect ripe pears in a dream - to pleasant surprises that will arise immediately after unpleasant events;

• canning this fruit in a dream is a sign that you are philosophical about all troubles and problems, which helps you to overcome difficulties;

• Dry pears - to love or friendship, which will not bring you moral and physical satisfaction.

What does the pear dream about in Wangi’s dream book

The famous Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga interprets a dream with pears as a sign of future successes and victories. This fruit, according to Wanga, is a symbol of wisdom.

Plucking fruits in a dream is a sign that certain circumstances will pay great attention to you, after which you will want to understand why this happens. For this reason, you will talk a lot about this, but in the end you will learn only a small fraction of the truth, since everything that is happening around you is a secret that, alas, you are not destined to comprehend.

What does the pear dream about in Freud’s dream book

A pear, according to Sigmund Freud, is the personification of a female figure, its convex forms, seductiveness, desire, beauty.

• For a man, a dream where a pear appeared to him means that in real life he will meet an amazing woman with whom he may have a violent romance;

• eating this fruit in a dream for a man means that he expects an early intimate relationship with a feminine and affectionate woman;

• the appearance of a pear in a dream for a woman is a symbol of a new, interesting acquaintance with all the ensuing consequences.

What is the dream of the pear in Hasse's dream book

• A pear in a dream, according to Miss Hasse, is a symbol of a happy married life, especially if the fruits were hanging on a tree and you admired them;

• eat fruits - to unpleasant situations and misunderstandings;

• shake a tree with pears, from which the fruits themselves will fall on the ground - you will succeed, which will be recognized in society;

• tearing fruit from the tree yourself is a symbol of a good deal.

Modern dream book

• eat a pear - to unprofitable affairs and health problems;

• see ripe pears on a beautiful, branched tree - to excellent prospects in life;

• see how other people collect ripe fruits - a sign of pleasant surprises that will arise immediately after adverse events;

• drying pears in a dream - a symbol of love or friendship, which will not bring satisfaction.


Watch the video: The O'Pears - Dream About You. A cappella in a Swedish living room (June 2024).