The new life of Tom Cruise: in London and without a daughter


After the divorce from Katie Holmes, actor Tom Cruise began a new life. Since mid-August, a Hollywood celebrity moved to London, where he is involved in the sci-fi action movie "All You Need Is Kill" ("All you need is to kill").

But even his favorite work does not allow him not to think about his daughter Suri. "I have to see her. I miss her," - so a 50-year-old actor once emotionally admitted. The last time Cruz saw his 6-year-old daughter two months ago, namely on August 5, when they spent their holidays together at Disneyland Park.

Katie Holmes and her daughter live in New York, where the girl attends a private school on Manhattan Avenue. Rumor has it that strict school rules prohibit skipping classes for no good reason. This is precisely the reason that their September trip to London to their father was canceled.

Nevertheless, Cruise often and daily talks with his first-grader on the phone, taking an interest in her successes. So says his friend, screenwriter Christopher McQuarrie.

However, the close circle of the actor believes that he was simply tired of family life. If earlier he was an exemplary family man, now he began to attend alcoholic parties, flirt and have fun. An additional reason was the fact that Tom was not present at the celebration of his daughter - the first of September of her first class, allegedly because of his busy schedule.

Recall that the actors Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes broke up this year after a 6-year marriage.


Watch the video: Jennifer Connelly on Tom Cruise, Husband Paul Bettany & Their Kids (July 2024).