Zucchini cake with cheese - this is a snack! Recipes of different squash cakes with cheese and with tomatoes, fish, minced meat


What kind of cakes are not there, even from the zucchini.

Of course, you can’t serve it as a dessert, but it’s a wonderful snack.

Will we cook?

Zucchini cake with cheese - general principles of preparation

You can take any zucchini. If there is no young vegetable with a thin peel, then we clean the mature specimen, take out the seeds. For the test, the product is usually rubbed. If a lot of juice was released during the process, then it needs to be drained.

What else is put in the dough:

• eggs;

• flour / semolina;

• spices.

Stir together, bake pancakes from the dough in a frying pan. They will be cakes. For the filling use cheese, tomatoes. But you can add other products. Tasty and satisfying snacks are obtained with the addition of minced meat, fish and sausage products.

Simple zucchini cake with cheese

The recipe for a zucchini snack cake with cheese. The pancake dough contains nothing but eggs and flour. We take any cheese.


• 0.7 kg squash;

• 3 eggs;

• 300 grams of cheese;

• 3 cloves of garlic;

• 1 bunch of dill;

• 10 tablespoons of flour;

• spices;

• a glass of sour cream.


1. Rinse the zucchini, rub coarsely, squeeze the excess juice and transfer the pulp into a convenient bowl for the dough.

2. Add eggs to the zucchini, put flour and salt. Stir.

3. We grease the frying pan with oil, heat it up to a haze, as for ordinary pancakes. If you are not sure about the coating of the pan, you can pour more oil.

4. We spread the zucchini dough, spread a pancake with a spoon over the entire surface, try to make the same thickness to make the cake smooth.

5. We bake a pancake on each side for two minutes, take it out, put the next portion.

6. Ready pancakes need to be cooled well, so do not stack the cakes in a pile.

7. While the zucchini is cooling, we’ll take care of the cream for the cake. Grate the cheese finely, immediately grate the garlic cloves with it, add chopped herbs and season the whole mass with a glass of sour cream. Stir well.

8. Putting the cake together. We spread the cakes one by one and coat with the cream.

9. Lubricate the top of the cake, if there is a lot of cream, then we pass along the sides. Decorate with herbs, fresh cucumbers, tomatoes.

Zucchini cake with tomatoes and cheese

A variant of a very juicy squash cake with tomatoes and cheese. You need to use dense, fleshy tomatoes, which can be cut into thin slices. Dough with semolina and flour.


• 1 kg of vegetable marrow;

• 5 eggs;

• 4 tablespoons of semolina;

• 4 tablespoons of flour;

• 4 tomatoes;

• salt pepper;

• 250 grams of cheese;

• herbs and garlic to taste;

• sour cream (how much will go).


1. Rub the zucchini, mix with eggs and flour, put semolina. Let the dough stand for a while, until the salt is added.

2. After ten minutes, add salt and pepper, you can add other seasonings to it. Stir and immediately begin to fry the cakes for the future cake. The pan should already be warmed up by this time.

3. Cooking pancakes, about half a centimeter thick, cool.

4. Three cheese and chop the garlic, mix, add parsley or dill to them, you can pour red or black pepper, if you like savory foods. We do not add sour cream, the mixture should turn out to be loose.

5. Tomatoes cut into thin circles.

6. Putting the cake together. We spread the cakes with sour cream (mayonnaise), sprinkle the cheese mixture on top and lay the tomato slices.

7. We collect the whole cake, alternate cakes with filling. Garnish with tomatoes, sprigs of herbs, the top can be showered with cheese.

Zucchini cake with cheese and cottage cheese

A recipe for a snack cake with a delicious filling of cheese with cottage cheese. Sour cream is indicated in the ingredients, but you can also take mayonnaise, and it also gives a good cream.


• 2 small zucchini or one medium size;

• 4 eggs;

• 7 tablespoons of flour;

• spices;

• 400 grams of cottage cheese;

• 250 ml sour cream;

• 200 grams of cheese;

• garlic, herbs.


1. As usual, three zucchini. If a lot of juice comes out in the process, then slightly squeeze the chips. Add eggs, spices, flour, stir. We look at the density, perhaps the flour will not take so much.

2. Fry zucchini pancakes on a frying pan on both sides, lay them on the table, let them cool.

3. Grind the cottage cheese. It can be folded into a combine and beat, add greens, garlic, pepper and salt.

4. Three cheese and transfer to cottage cheese.

5. We fill the cream with sour cream. Do not spread everything. If the cottage cheese is soft, it may leave less. See for consistency.

6. We collect the cake, layered with curd cream. For decoration we use greens, you can sprinkle the top with just grated cheese.

Zucchini cake with tomatoes, cheese and sausage

A variant of a very interesting, satisfying and tasty squash cake with tomatoes and cheese, which is prepared with sausage. But it is not added to the cakes, but to the dough itself. You can take boiled, smoked sausage, sausages or ham.


• 0.6 kg squash;

• 3 eggs;

• 4 tablespoons of flour;

• 200 grams of sausage;

• 4 tomatoes;

• 200 grams of cheese;

• 250 grams of sour cream;

• 2 cloves of garlic.


1. Rub large squash, add eggs and flour. If boiled sausage or sausages are used, then they can also be grated. Another product, such as smoked sausage, will have to be cut with a knife. You can make cubes or small straws. Add to the dough, salt, pepper and stir.

2. Fry cake cakes in a greased skillet. You can make any thickness, but look to turn the pancake upside down.

3. While the squash crusts are cooling, we make a cream. Mix grated cheese with sour cream and garlic, put spices.

4. Cut the tomatoes for the layer into thin circles. If the tomatoes are large, then you can cut in half.

5. Lubricate the sausage pancakes with cream, shift the tomatoes. We decorate the top with slices of tomatoes, sprinkle with herbs or lay out twigs.

Zucchini cake with cheese and minced meat

A meat version of zucchini cake with cheese. Minced meat can be taken absolutely any, even chicken. But it is better that it does not have a lot of fat, since cakes are fried in oil and mayonnaise cream.


• 0.4 kg squash;

• 0.2 kg of minced meat;

• 0.15 kg of hard cheese;

• 2 eggs;

• 2 tablespoons of flour;

• 2 onion heads;

• garlic, herbs, tomato;

• 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise.


1. Rub the squash. The weight of the pure product, i.e. pulp, is indicated. We put eggs to it, pour flour and season with spices.

2. Bake pancakes from the dough, cool.

3. Fry the chopped onion in a pan, adding a spoonful of oil.

4. As soon as the slices become transparent, put the minced meat, bring the filling to readiness, season with spices, cool.

5. Add 2 full tablespoons of mayonnaise, grated cheese to the minced meat, throw the herbs and garlic and stir.

6. Lubricate squash pancakes with meat filling, or rather shift layers.

7. Top you just need to smear with mayonnaise.

8. Cut the tomato into beautiful slices, put it on top of the cake, additionally decorate with parsley leaves or dill sprigs.

Zucchini cake with tomatoes, cheese and minced meat

For such a cake you will need a little minced meat, but it is not used in the filling, but in the dough. Cakes are meat, very fragrant.


• 0.5 kg of vegetable marrow;

• 0.2 kg of minced meat;

• 3 eggs;

• 4 tablespoons of flour;

• 250 grams of cheese;

• 250 grams of sour cream;

• greens, garlic;

• tomatoes for a layer.


1. Mix the grated zucchini with minced meat and eggs, add flour and spices to them. It is very important to mix the mass well. If the dough is liquid, then you can pour another spoonful of flour.

2. Sleep in a greased frying pan with baking pancakes. Since the test is raw minced meat, fry well, at least three minutes on each side. Make moderate heat so that the crust does not set too quickly.

3. Cool the cakes.

4. Tomatoes cut into plates.

5. We make the usual cream of grated cheese with sour cream, garlic, various herbs.

6. Lubricate the cooked cakes, after the cream we lay out the tomatoes, as much as you like.

7. We decorate the cake, let it soak, be sure to keep it in the refrigerator.

Zucchini cake with canned cheese and fish

Fish version of zucchini cake with cheese. Saury is used in oil, just one can is enough.


• 0.4 kg squash;

• 2 eggs;

• 4-5 tablespoons of flour;

• 1 can of saury;

• 200 grams of cheese;

• 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise;

• 1 bunch of green onions;

• spices.


1. We make the dough from grated zucchini with eggs and flour, do not forget to salt.

2. Bake pancakes, cool.

3. Grate cheese, but do not mix with anything.

4. Open the saury, knead with the liquid. Large bones, spices are best removed.

5. Add mayonnaise to the fish, stir.

6. Chop green onion finely.

7. We coat the cakes with fish cream, sprinkle with grated cheese and green onions, collect the whole cake.

8. Lubricate the top with a thin layer of mayonnaise. You can fill it with cheese or chopped onions. Let the fish cake soak.

Zucchini cake with cheese - useful tips and tricks

• Zucchini snacks are often decorated with greens, fresh vegetables, grated cheese. But, for some reason, few people take into account that the dish will stand and soak. As a result, vegetables with herbs wither, the cheese dries and becomes tough. Decorating snacks is advisable after the cake has been soaked. You can update the top layer with sour cream, mayonnaise and then spread vegetables on it.

• Zucchini must be salted immediately before frying. This vegetable is very juicy and will let water into the dough indefinitely, if you do the opposite.

• It is best to use a non-stick pan for baking. It does not require the addition of a large amount of oil. As a result, the cake is not so fat, more dietary, and baking cakes for him is a pleasure.

• If you do not want to add garlic to the cream, because of its pronounced aroma, then you can add chopped clove directly to the dough. The smell after baking will not be so pronounced.


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