Skin care after 30 years: how to make a care program. Features of skin care after 30 years


In the life of a woman, once a beautiful time of thirty comes. This is the most beautiful age: youthful mistakes in the past, have matured far. The skin remains young, but, alas, irreversible processes are already affected by the first wrinkles, dryness, sagging. What should be skin care after 30 years?

Skin problems after 30

The skin of a thirty-year-old woman gradually loses the ability to retain moisture, which leads to a gradual drying. She can no longer produce a sufficient amount of collagen and elastin proteins, and therefore, along with dehydration, the loss of turgor begins - the elasticity and elasticity of the skin.

On dry skin, skin creases - wrinkles - form faster. At the age of thirty, they can still be successfully managed with proper care. A woman is concerned about the appearance of pronounced folds in the region of the nasolabial triangle, as well as morning swelling under the lower eyelid. Constant stretching of the skin also leads to the formation of wrinkles.

If the process is not controlled, then very soon you can really say goodbye to youth. That is why great importance should be given to skin care after 30 years.

General recommendations for skin care after 30 years

Not only cosmetics affects the condition of the skin of the face. Nutrition and lifestyle - this is what you need to attach special importance. It is better to remove from the diet everything that is useless and frankly harmful: smoked meats, salty foods, fatty cakes and mayonnaises. No junk food, less coffee and extremely little alcohol. We give preference to fresh vegetables and fruits, herbs, lean meat and fish.

A woman to extend the beauty is simply obliged to fully relax. The body becomes more moody and needs a healthy night's rest. The body requires movement, otherwise muscle tissue is replaced by fat.

As for the skin of the face, then care for it should now be regular, more thorough. What should be done:

• add to the habit of contrasting washing (you can wipe your face with cubes of frozen herbal decoctions or plain clean water);

• protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation and computer radiation by selecting appropriate creams;

• learn massage techniques or go to the masseuse courses 2-3 times a year or regularly, with a view to prevention;

• be sure to use masks and serums along with cream;

• take courses of good vitamin and mineral complexes twice a year, preferably from the “beauty” series (skin-hair-nails).

Skin care after 30 should still be directed towards the fulfillment of a mandatory program: cleansing, toning, and skin care. In the morning, day cream is always applied, at night - night. The main thing is to know how to choose the right cream.

Important Note: Night cream should be applied to the face at least 40 minutes before bedtime. Never go to bed without letting the cream soak in and remove the excess with a napkin. Otherwise, morning edema cannot be avoided. It is especially important to observe this rule when applying the cream under the eyes and on the upper eyelid.

Skin cream after 30: which one to choose

Beauticians advise you not to pay attention to the age marking "25+", "30+", "45+", etc. This is a marketing move that is very indirectly related to solving the problem of skin care after 30. What matters is the skin type and the set of active ingredients that are contained in the care product.

With skin type, everything is more or less clear. In any case, by the age of thirty, a woman should examine her face and know exactly what her skin is: thin and dry, dense and oily, sensitive, problematic, normal, combined, prone to pigmentation.

Cream for morning and evening should be different. You can’t use one remedy, because the task of the day cream is to moisturize and protect from the sun, and the night one is to give deep nutrition, provide recovery and regeneration.

What components should be present in the cream:

• hyaluronic acid;

• glycerin;

• panthenol;

• ANA acids;

• retinoids;

• elastins;

• peptides.

Miracle hyalouranic acid saturates the skin with moisture, preventing the formation of wrinkles and stimulating the production of its own protein compounds - collagen and elastin. Thus, the cell framework is restored, which does not allow the skin to sag. Hyaluronic acid, when combined with water molecules, turns into a gel-like substance that can fill wrinkles from the inside.

Glycerin perfectly moisturizes the skin, but products containing this substance should not be applied in rooms with dry air. Glycerol molecules take moisture from the environment, and if there is little of it in the air, they begin to draw moisture from the skin cells, overdrying it more.

The content of panthenol in the cream guarantees excellent regeneration, alignment. ANA acids remove the dead layer of keratinized cells from the skin, lighten it, and make wrinkles less deep. But retinoids, despite the effectiveness, are too strong an active component for women of thirty. If your cream contains retinol, it can only be used in courses of no more than three weeks.

If the skin is prone to allergies, you can choose a cream with ceramides, and to protect against aggressive ultraviolet radiation - with zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, mexoril, avobenzon.

Elastins can slightly tighten the oval of the face, and peptides normalize the synthesis of amino acids. However, these are also very powerful agents that can be used only if there are visible signs of aging. If the face looks only a little tired, but without sagging, it is not worth using peptide complexes.

Special tools

For effective skin care after 30 years, it is necessary to include serums, masks, and peels in the program.

Serums should also be selected according to skin type. At this age, emphasis should be placed on active hydration. Serums are special cosmetic products that contain a higher concentration of some active ingredient. Apply them under the main cream on the recommendation of the manufacturer.

Masks are a separate story in the life of every thirty-year-old woman. It doesn’t matter if you use homemade products of your own or use the product of the cosmetics industry, but it is absolutely necessary to use the mask two to three times a week. Masks should also be aimed at solving current problems - the loss of a normal level of humidity and a decrease in the rate of cellular metabolism. The following types of masks can be used:

• moisturizing;

• cleansing;

• whitening;

• tonic.

According to the state of the epidermis, for skin care after 30, you can use masks against dryness, irritation, nutrition, expression wrinkles. Be sure to apply from not only on the face, but also on the neck. It is no accident that they say that the age of a woman is betrayed by her neck and arms.

Masks must be combined with deep peels. The most effective peels are acidic. They can be done in salons, but if you can find acid peeling for home use (with a minimum percentage of acid, about 6-9%), it will be fine.

Salon peelings are done in the inactive sun season (from February to March, then in October-November). Acid of a fairly strong concentration (approximately 30%) removes the upper layer of the epidermis, smoothes and refreshes the skin. At a more advanced age, median peeling is performed, when the acid concentration can reach 70%. After a course of procedures (usually ten is enough) you can visually rejuvenate by five years.

As for massages, this is a very effective way to care for your skin. Thanks to massages, the lymphatic flow is restored, the muscular frame is strengthened, the skin is tightened. Today you can find a lot of video lessons before the independent use of various massage techniques. This is the famous Asahi massage and honey massage (also attributed to long-aging Japanese women).

However, do not forget that the wrong technique may not tighten your face, but, on the contrary, cause stretching of the skin.

If traces of sagging are visible on the skin, especially in the lower part of the face, it is worthwhile to include exercises from the face-building that is popular today (facelift by means of pumping up the facial muscles) in the care program. With the right use of this technique, you can really tighten the contours of the face, smooth the nasolabial folds, remove the second chin and return youthful features to the face.

Skin care after 30 years should be constant and more intense than 5-10 years ago. If you don’t be lazy, take care of yourself, choose the right products for care, and also normalize your diet and lifestyle, you can look much younger for many years younger than your passport age.


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