Why do scissors dream? Basic interpretations - what scissors dream of: according to different dream books


In dreams, not only our past mistakes and victories are projected, but also future events are foreshadowed.

Often, dreams clearly describe the future, which is especially worth paying attention to.

Why do scissors dream? It’s worth sorting out.

What scissors dream of - a general interpretation

Scissors in a dream have a double interpretation. They talk about both the beginning of the path and its completion. The scissors in a dream according to the classic interpretation - promise the routine and severity of what is happening. The man is tired of the events that occur in his life and from the people around him. A man is tired of fighting, he wants revenge and harm another. This revenge is empty and will not bring satisfaction in the end.

If scissors appeared in a dream to a married woman, she will be very jealous of her man. She will find fault with baselessness. As a result, the relationship can be broken. Therefore, special attention should be paid to preventive measures that will improve relations and avoid rash acts.

It is also worth paying attention to such interpretations:

• Find rusty scissors in a dream - ill-wishers will make themselves felt, but nothing terrible will happen, only minor troubles;

• Find new scissors - everything in life will work out, an important task will be easily solved, perhaps a new acquaintance;

• Cut the canvas with manicure scissors - to the dissatisfaction with his soulmate. In such a situation, one should ask what does not suit the partner, maybe all the claims are imaginary;

• Cutting paper with scissors - distrust in the family. This is a subconscious desire to break the relationship, but the desire will remain unfulfilled;

• Broken scissors promise unusual and unpleasant events. You can lose a friend and colleague.

Why dream scissors on Miller’s dream book

Miller's dream book interprets a dream in which sharp new scissors appear as a burden from work and responsibilities. If they manage to break them in a dream - a man will try his best to change his fate. He will try to throw off the burden of responsibility that is assigned to him in fairness.

In general, dreams about scissors, as Miller points out - they promise discord and squabbles:

• Jealousy of wives and husbands;

• Quarrels among lovers;

• Business partners will not be able to find a common language;

• Quarrels are possible even with friends.

Already broken scissors promise a complete discord with friends because of an unbearable nature. If you dream about how a person cuts the ribbon - he will be free from the bonds that have fettered him for a long time, the same interpretation applies to dreams with ropes.

Trying to strike with scissors - to empty hopes and great chagrin. Hide scissors - trying to get money illegally. Find someone else's scissors - use someone else's privileges.

Why dream scissors on Aesop’s dream book

Aesop also saw a double interpretation of scissor dreams. On the one hand, they promise troubles and expenses, and on the other, they indicate the need to resolve the situation. Aesop interpreted the dream of scissors as a hint that it was time for the girl to tell fortunes to the bridegroom. In the old days, such fortune telling was often practiced. Also, with the help of scissors, they asked for ancestors' advice. Therefore, scissors may dream of having to turn to the deceased for help.

• Opened scissors in a dream - ill-wishers are ready to attack, it is worth being alert;

• Scissors that have fallen to the floor - to the quick guests;

• Sharpen scissors - compromise on any issue;

• Wound yourself on scissors - experience fear and anxiety about tomorrow;

• Cut something with scissors - try to relieve yourself of responsibility and lay them on the shoulders of a loved one;

• Conduct fortune-telling with scissors - do not take risks;

• Cut off your hair - in reality to wastefulness;

• See how someone cuts off your hair - to losses due to someone else's mistake;

• Rusty, old scissors - it is still worth weighing again;

• Borrowing scissors - to quarrel with loved ones;

• Keep something on the scissors - the danger of being robbed.

Why dream scissors on Freud's dream book

Freud gives a psychological interpretation of scissor dreams. They promise good luck in all endeavors and, especially, in the love sphere. They also talk about the favor of others and the friendly attitude of the couple. Possible new love games, flirt.

To see little scissors in a dream is a lack of love and affection. If a person cut something with these little scissors, his personal life does not suit him, but what exactly in it is still unknown. Do not make claims and torment your partner with speculations and jealousy. First of all, you need to delve into yourself.

Scissors to cut hair - to soon end the relationship. If a girl dreams that she cuts her beloved person's hair, then she will not be cheated, because she has already removed all her rivals. Throwing scissors is to give up love, which was to kindle a heart.

Look for scissors in someone else's pocket - to take her husband from the family. To wear scissors in the bosom - to the great desire to soon give birth. But while the girl does not have such an opportunity. Therefore, do not get stuck on this idea. While you need to do other things. Soon a resolution may come.

What scissors dream of - other interpretations

A short dream book suggests that scissors dream of getting rid of everything superfluous and outdated. A person may feel divorced from the world, having lost reference points. What is worth taking? Understand the hidden causes that provoke an active feeling of loneliness and inferiority, lack of demand. It just seems like it's complicated. In fact - it is quite simple.

They also promise slander, parting. Scissor cutting - gain material prosperity. Cut off a piece of clothing - to theft. They may indicate fierce hatred of the enemy. But all his machinations will return to him. Therefore, you should be on the alert, but do not be afraid of panic.

The family dream book saysthat the scissors do not dream of good. They promise greed and obese. Even if a person does not possess these qualities in life, he will become so. If a woman dreams about how she cuts things of her beloved person - in reality she is imprisoned in a prison of fears and fears. She cannot get out of it. She is burdened by relationships, although the partner does not see that something can be burdensome in them. He believes that his other half is completely satisfied with their relationship. In this case, it is worth expressing all the claims and indignation.

In a dream, break the scissors specifically - to break the already boring and painful connection. Throw scissors out the window - leave home. Throwing scissors at someone - harm another person. To cut someone is to deceive a person for selfish ends. Such a deception will not go unnoticed and will have to bear responsibility for it.

In the Chinese dream book scissors are treated as a dream that promises a section. Either property, or money, or power. Cutting off something with them is not far off the benefits of the material plane. If a man dreamed that he cuts his clothes - he will be unhappy in family life. The cause of the misfortune will be his behavior.

Break them yourself - break the connection, quit his job. Scissors in a dream may indicate a love triangle. Such a dream suggests that a person should make a choice so as not to offend any of the partners. Perhaps a decision regarding the change is not just a workplace, but a change in the type of activity. All changes as a result will be for the better.

In the Italian dream book it is indicated that the appearance of scissors in a dream indicates that a person is breaking ties that have been developed over the years. He should not do this - this is a mistake. It is worth reconsidering your attitude to real events. We need to weigh everything and be ready for new achievements.

It is also stated in the dream book that such a dream may indicate that the enemy is not asleep and is constantly harming the person with his actions. Golden scissors promise profit and joy. Breaking such scissors is a loss of money. And to break ordinary scissors - to victory over troubles, to victory over oneself.

When treating dreams, you need to consider all the little things and nuances. Scissors in a dream can carry a negative, but after analyzing the dream completely, a person can draw conclusions that everything is still not lost. You can still change or you need to accept the situation and then it will play into his hands. In any case, do not rush to extremes and expect quarrels and scandals. It is worth avoiding them in every possible way. How to do it? Prompt interpretation of dreams.


Watch the video: Dreams & Mysteries - The Mystery of Dreams and Numbers (July 2024).