Sour cream, curd, mayonnaise versions of the Zebra cake in a slow cooker. Cake "Zebra" in a slow cooker - faster than classic


Combine all conceivable options for cakes "Zebra" two very important qualities. The first, of course, is the striped color, and the second ... no matter what the recipe, you can’t drag the kids from the treats by the ears.

Cake "Zebra" in a slow cooker - general principles of preparation

• Zebra cakes in a slow cooker are prepared from products almost always available in the refrigerator. The dough for a biscuit base is kneaded on kefir, sour cream, mayonnaise, cottage cheese or milk. It must be added eggs, sugar, baking powder or baking soda. You may need butter (butter or lean) or margarine. Also, the base can be baked from the curd without adding flour.

• Cream for the cake can be sour cream whipped with sugar, boiled condensed milk mixed with nuts, cottage cheese or cream. Often it is smeared with melted chocolate or jam.

• “Zebra” differs from other cakes in that its base or cream does not have uniform coloring. They are "patterned" in the section, and the stripes resemble the color of a zebra. To achieve this effect, multi-colored dough or cream is laid out in a special way. They are poured into a slow cooker with a spoon or ladle, layering one color on another. The main thing is to always take the same amount of dark and white.

Sour cream cake "Zebra" in a slow cooker



• two glasses of baking flour;

• 200 gr. medium fat sour cream;

• three eggs;

• a full glass of sugar;

• three tablespoons of cocoa powder;

• 9% table vinegar.

In cream:

• 300 gr. thick oily sour cream;

• half a glass of refined sand.

In the glaze:

• 70 gr. natural sweet cream butter;

• five large spoons of sugar;

• cocoa - 5 tbsp. l .;

• 125 gr. greasy, liquid cream.

Cooking method:

1. Pour the eggs into a deep bowl and beat them until a stable foam forms along with granulated sugar.

2. Add melted sour cream and mix thoroughly with a whisk.

3. Gradually add all the flour and stir, whisking lightly until the dough takes on the desired uniformity.

4. Measure out the right amount of baking soda and pour it into a tablespoon. Pour vinegar to the brim. Gently stirring with the tip of the knife, wait until the mixture stops hissing and foaming. Pour the contents of the spoon into the dough, mix well and leave for a quarter of an hour.

5. After that, take two half-liter cans or small bowls of the same volume. Pour half the dough into one container and mix with cocoa, and pour the other part into the second and leave without additives.

6. Cover the crock-pot of the multicooker with special paper intended for baking, and grease it with pure sunflower oil.

7. Then, in the center, laying on top of each other, lay out one tablespoon of each type of dough (white and dark).

8. Close the lid, select the “Baking” operating mode for 30 minutes and turn on the multicooker.

9. Carefully remove the finished cake from the bowl, cool well and cut along three equal parts.

10. Combine granulated sugar with sour cream and beat at medium speed with a mixer. Put half the cream on the bottom cake. Flatten and put on it a medium cake, which is also smeared with the same amount of sour cream. Lay the third top cake and gently press it with your hands.

11. After the cake is formed, cook the icing. Put the butter in a small saucepan and melt it over low heat.

12. In cream, dilute sugar mixed with cocoa and pour the mixture into melted butter. Stir and cook, stirring continuously, until thickened.

13. Slightly cooled icing cover the top of the cake and carefully coat its sides. So that the cake has a smooth glossy surface, moisten the knife with which to smooth the icing in cold water.

Cheese cake "Zebra" in a slow cooker


In the dough:

• half a kilo of 9% cottage cheese;

• chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;

• 50 gr. dark bitter chocolate;

• fatty, liquid cream - 50 ml;

• 3/4 standard (250 ml) cup of sugar;

• three spoons, without a hill, starch.


• any jam or not too thick jam.

Cooking method:

1. Put cottage cheese in a deep, wide bowl. Pour sugar into it, pour in the eggs and beat everything with a mixer. If there is a blender, you can use it.

2. Pour homogeneous curd mass in equal quantities into two containers.

3. In the cream, put the broken chocolate into small pieces and put on the smallest possible fire. When the chocolate melts well, remove the saucepan from the heat and cool. Do not bring the mixture to a boil, cream may curdle.

4. Pour the cooled chocolate mass into one of the containers with the curd mass and mix thoroughly.

5. Mix the dark curd “dough” with two tablespoons of potato starch, and light with one.

6. Cover the cooking bowl with a layer of cream margarine or vegetable oil. Take a small ladle and alternately lay out both types of curd on the center of the cooking bowl.

7. Cook under a closed lid on the “Baking” 85 minutes. After the program ends, do not open the lid for another 30 minutes.

8. Then, carefully remove and after complete cooling, cut the “cake” into two cakes.

9. First, jam the bottom cake with jam. Then gently lay on the second and also grease it with a thin layer of jam.

Chocolate cake "Zebra" in a slow cooker with coffee impregnation (in milk)


• high-quality wheat flour - 600 gr.;

• 200 ml of refined sunflower oil;

• a tablespoon of the dough ripper;

• four eggs;

• medium-fat cow's milk - 200 ml;

• 300 gr. sugar (white);

• ground natural coffee;

• 100 grams of milk and white chocolate;

• half a small spoon of fine salt;

• three tablespoons of finely ground cocoa powder.

Cooking method:

1. Brew strong coffee, sweeten it and leave to cool.

2. Pour the eggs into the granulated sugar, without separating the yolk and protein, whisk the eggs with a mixer at maximum speed.

3. Then pour in the milk, add the vegetable oil and beat the mixture again, but at a minimum speed.

4. Add the sifted flour, salt, pour the ripper for the dough and gently mix everything with a spoon or whisk. Do not whip!

5. Divide the dough in half. Set aside one part, and pour cocoa in the second and mix thoroughly.

6. In a greased bowl, place the dark and light dough alternately in equal portions. Pouring should be strictly in the center of the bowl, superimposing multi-colored layers on top of one another.

7. Then with a knife (with its pointed part), draw several strips on the test from the center to the edge. Do not touch the bottom and sides of the bowl, otherwise the coating may be damaged.

8. Then close the cover securely. Select the “Baking” setting, lasting 40 minutes, and turn on the program.

9. At the end, remove the biscuit from the bowl, transfer it to the steam container turned upside down and leave it to cool completely.

10. Then cut the cake lengthwise into two halves and soak each well with chilled strong coffee. To impregnate both cakes, no more than 50 ml of chilled drink should go.

11. Break a bar of white chocolate into small pieces (in small squares). Transfer them to a large cup, add an incomplete spoon of vegetable oil and melt on light heat in the microwave, mix.

12. Lubricate the bottom cake layer with a thick layer of melted chocolate. Then cover it with the rest of the biscuit and cover the surface and sides with a thin layer of the remaining white chocolate.

13. Sprinkle abundantly with a large chip of milk chocolate and place the cake in the cold for three hours.

Cake "Zebra" in a slow cooker with chocolate cream (on mayonnaise)



• fresh eggs - 3 pcs.;

• two tablespoons of 72% mayonnaise (60 gr.);

• 250 gr. sugar

• 250 gr. white baking flour;

• 9% table vinegar;

• 150 gr. creamy margarine;

• two tables. tablespoons of cocoa powder.


• 150 gr. dark chocolate;

• 50 gr. homemade cream, thickened, or butter;

• low fat cream - 150 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Using the microwave defrost mode or simply in a bowl in a water bath, melt the margarine.

2. Beat the eggs with refined sugar until foam. Add mayonnaise, chilled melted margarine, flour and mix thoroughly. The dough should be homogeneous, and not contain clumps of flour knocked down.

3. In a tablespoon, extinguish with soda vinegar (a teaspoon, a little incomplete) and pour the foamy mass into the dough, stir.

4. Then divide it into equal parts, set aside one, and carefully mix the cocoa in the other.

5. Directly in the center of the greased bowl, put two tablespoons of tinted dough, lay out the same amount of white on it. Then again dark and white again.

6. When the dough is over, turn on the multicooker for “Baking” and cook the biscuit until cooked, about 80 minutes. Readiness is determined by a puncture of a wooden toothpick. If after a puncture it is dry without any dough, then the biscuit is ready.

7. Remove the biscuit cake blank from the multicooker and place on a special stand or steam container to cool.

8. Dip the butter into the cream, put on the weakest heat and, constantly stirring, bring to a boil.

9. Remove the bowl from the heat, dip the pieces of dark chocolate into the hot creamy mixture and stir until completely melted.

10. Cut the cooled biscuit into several shortcakes and carefully coat each with chocolate cream.

11. Form a cake and also coat well with chocolate creamy mass of its sides and top. For two hours, put the finished cake in the refrigerator for impregnation.

Original curd cake "Zebra" in a slow cooker (on a biscuit)


For biscuit:

• 100 gr. premium wheat flour .;

• three fresh eggs;

• a small bag of factory baking powder for dough;

• 10 gr. vanilla sugar;

• table salt - a small pinch;

• average lemon size;

• 50 gr. sugar.

For curd cream:

• raw chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;

• 200 gr. refined;

• 30 gr. “fast” gelatin;

• 800 gr. fat non-grainy curd;

• 600 ml 30% cream

• two tablespoons of finely ground cocoa;

• 50 gr. bitter, high percent chocolate;

• 250 ml of pasteurized 2.5% milk.

Cooking method:

1. Gently break the eggs, separating the whites and yolks. Squirrels place for a while in the refrigerator, and rub the yolks with a white spoon with sugar.

2. Cut the lemon in half. Put one half aside, it will be needed for the cream, and squeeze the juice out of the second. Strain it through a strainer and add to the yolks. Pour a teaspoon of hot water here and beat well with a mixer.

3. Beat the cooled proteins with salt until a white foam is obtained and gently mix them with the yolk mass.

4. Combine the sifted flour twice with the baking powder. Pouring in two tablespoons, carefully introduce all the flour into the egg mixture. Do not whip! Stir in a spoon or silicone spatula from the bottom up.

5. Place parchment paper on the bottom of the bowl and pour all the dough on it.

6. Bake the biscuit on the Baking for a quarter of an hour with the lid closed. Do not remove the finished biscuit from the bowl immediately, wait until it has completely cooled.

7. Pour gelatin in a small bowl with cold water. The proportions of water and the soaking time are always indicated on the packaging.

8. Warm milk to 37-39 degrees and dilute granulated sugar in it. Add the gelatin swollen by then and the yolks crushed to uniformity, mix well.

9. Whip the cream with a mixer and combine with cottage cheese grated on a rare metal sieve.

10. From the previously set aside half of the lemon, squeeze the juice and strain it.

11. Constantly stirring, enter the curd mass into the milk, gradually adding lemon juice.

12. Divide the prepared curd cream into two equal parts. One should remain white, and in the other, enter cocoa and mix until smooth.

13. Then divide the cocoa colored cream in half and mix one part of it with the fine chocolate chips.

14. Set aside a third of the white cream to decorate the cake in a pastry bag or syringe.

15. Take a detachable mold of a suitable size and transfer the cooled biscuit cake to it.

16. Then, in turn, in the middle of it, lay out in equal portions all three types of curd cream. It is more convenient to do this with a small ladle. Do not rush to impose a new portion of the curd mass until the previously poured out spreads throughout the cake.

17. After this, put the cake mold and the cream put into the syringe overnight in the refrigerator.

18. The next day, carefully remove the cake from the mold and decorate its top with syringe cream. In addition, you can grate chocolate, dark or white, with your crumbs, at your discretion.

Cake "Zebra" in a slow cooker - on kefir, with cream of boiled condensed milk


For biscuit:

• one glass of fat yogurt;

• 100 gr. high-quality margarine "For baking";

• a full glass of sugar;

• 1 gr. vanilla powder;

• three full glasses of baking flour, white;

• finely ground cocoa - 2 tbsp. l .;

• eggs - 3 pcs.


• boiled condensed milk of good quality;

• walnut kernels.

Cooking method:

1. Pour the required amount of kefir into a small wide bowl and leave for half an hour, it should warm up well at room temperature.

2. In a water bath, melt the margarine, not bringing to a boil, cool.

3. In heated kefir add 1/2 tsp. soda, stir and let stand. If kefir is not acidic, it is best to replace soda with baking powder. It must be put in twice as much (1 tsp).

4. Break the eggs into granulated sugar. Beat with a mixer until the grains are completely dissolved.

5. Combine the egg mass with melted margarine, pour in the kefir and mix thoroughly with a spoon or whisk.

6. Enter all the flour and mix well.

7. Divide the homogeneous dough in half and mix any part of it with cocoa.

8. Lubricate the cooking bowl with slightly softened margarine and pour white dough into it with a large ladle.

9. After it has completely dispersed along the bottom, in the center, alternately lay out the white and colored dough. You can do this directly from the bowls, trying to pour in equal amounts. For convenience, you can use a small ladle.

10. When all the dough has been laid out, turn on the multicooker for “Baking” and cook under the lid until cooked, about 40 minutes. The duration depends on the power of the multicooker, so it is better to check the readiness of the biscuit with a puncture of a toothpick or match.

11. Remove the finished cake blank and cool well.

12. Mix the condensed milk with the walnut kernels chopped with a knife.

13. Cut the cooled workpiece lengthwise, in two equal parts.

14. Put the bottom cake on a plate and generously grease it with cream of boiled condensed milk.

15. Then cover with a second cake and spread well on the sides and top of the cake with cream.

Cake "Zebra" in the slow cooker - cooking tricks and useful tips

• The smaller the portion of the alternating colored mass, the less often the strip. If spread with a teaspoon, there will be no striped effect. The bands are mixed.

• The thicker the mass, the sharper the strip, but making the dough thicker is not recommended, it will not be airy and will not rise well.

• Optionally pour the dough in the center of the bowl. If you do this in several places at once, you can get the original striped patterns.

• Optional dough stained with chocolate or cocoa.Original cakes can be obtained by adding food colors to it. Curd mass can be colored by adding berry juice or jam.


Watch the video: Chocolate Chips Cup Cake In Pressure Cooker Homemade Cream Malai Cake घर क मलई स कप कक (July 2024).