Peach compote for the winter - replenish yummy bins! Ten recipes for aromatic peach compote for the winter - choose!


Nature has endowed us with such a delicious fruit as peach. These are simply divine fruits. In the summer, you can enjoy plenty of them.

But no matter how many peaches you eat, you will want it again in winter. Here, jars hidden in the summer will come to the rescue.

Compote roll - a simple job, but grateful. You open a jar - and July lives in it: fruits, as if just ripped from a tree, and even tasty juice. Is it not worth it for such a pleasure to spend a little time in the fruit season and roll up a little peach compote for the winter?

Peach compote for the winter - general principles of preparation

To prepare a first-class compote, you need to select peaches that have such qualities:

1) Fragrant. Only fruits, the smell of which is pronounced, will make the compote smelling truly.

2) Ripe. Unripe peaches are best used for making jam.

3) Elastic. Slightly dense fruits will retain their shape. Overripe and soft fruits turn into porridge and spoil the compote.

Peaches can be rolled whole, pitted halves and small slices.

Fruits need to be washed and remove excess water. If desired, the fruits are peeled. Fruits will become more tender, and the drink will become more saturated.

To make compote you will need peaches, water and sugar. Improves the taste of clove and citric acid preservation. The most common sugar to water ratio is 300 gr. sweet ingredient per liter. And peaches will need half a kilogram per one jar.

For a change, the fruit can be poured not with sugar syrup, but with juice from plums, pears or grapes.

Most often, compote rolls without sterilization, and fruits are poured with boiling water. But some recipes provide this process.

Prepare clean jars and lids in advance.

You will also need a sealing key, a towel, a deep saucepan, a colander, a measuring cup, a hot stand.

Recipe 1. Peach compote for the winter "Classic"


• one kg of peaches;

• 700 gr. sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Peaches are peeled. In order to do this quickly, pour boiling water over the fruit and immediately pour cold water on it. The peel is easily removable.

  2. We spread the peaches in jars and pour boiling water. Leave for a quarter of an hour.

  3. Pour the cooled water into a saucepan. Add the granulated sugar and prepare the sweet syrup.

  4. Carefully pour it into jars of peaches and tightly roll the glass container.

Recipe 2. Peach compote for the winter "Sweet slices"


• two kg of peaches;

• twenty tablespoons sugar;

• five liters of boiled water.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the fruits well, peel the skin. We remove the stone, cut the fruit into large slices.

  2. We put them in prepared jars, with a capacity of one liter. We fill the glass container halfway.

  3. Boil water and fill the jars to the top. We put on top clean covers and leave for half an hour.

  4. We drain the water. We put the covers in a saucepan and pour boiling water.

  5. In each jar, pour five tablespoons of sugar.

  6. Pour boiling water and roll it up (or tighten it tightly).

  7. Turn each jar two or three times so that the sugar dissolves.

  8. We put glass containers upside down.

  9. Wrap the jars and leave until they cool completely.

  10. We clean in a dark locker or pantry until the winter colds.

Recipe 3. Peach compote for the winter "Fragrant"


• three kg of peaches;

• 0.6 kg sugar;

• four cloves.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash peaches in running water. Separate them in two and remove the bones.

  2. We wash the banks and pour boiling water over them. Boil the lids.

  3. Fill the jars with peaches about halfway.

  4. Fill with boiling water and leave for twenty minutes.

  5. Drain the water into a large saucepan.

  6. Add sugar and clove. Bring the water to a boil.

  7. Pour sweet syrup into jars. Immediately roll up neat lids.

  8. We put the banks upside down and cover them with a blanket until they cool completely.

Recipe 4. Peach compote for the winter with citric acid


• peaches;

For one liter of water:

• three tablespoons with a hill of sugar;

• 3 gr. citric acid.

Cooking method:

  1. Pure fruit free from seeds. We fill the cans by 2/3 with halves of fruit.

  2. As usual, pour boiling water and leave for ten minutes.

  3. Pour the cooled water into a separate bowl. Add sugar and citric acid. Stir.

  4. Boil water and pour it into jars of peaches.

  5. Roll up the lids, turn over and cool in this form. Do not cover anything.

Recipe 5. Stewed peaches for the winter with pear and apple juice


• peaches;

• pear and apple juice - one liter per jar of three liters.

Cooking method:

  1. We prepare the peaches and pour them with boiling water, as in the previous recipe.

  2. After twenty minutes, drain the water.

  3. Boil pear-apple juice and add it to a glass container with fruits.

  4. We tighten the lids, turn the jars over.

  5. After the banks have cooled, we remove them in the prepared room.

  6. There is no sugar or citric acid in this recipe. Pear will give sweetness, and apples - sourness.

Recipe 6. Peach compote for the winter with grape juice


• one kg of peaches;

• one and a half kg of grapes;

• 250 gr. sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Squeeze juice from pure grapes. We do this with a juicer.

  2. We prepare a strainer and two layers of gauze. We filter freshly squeezed grape juice to get rid of the pulp.

  3. Pour it into an enameled stewpan, add sugar and bring to a boil over low heat.

  4. Sugar should be slightly mixed so that it does not burn.

  5. Peaches are cleaned and halved. We remove the stone and traces of the tails.

  6. We send them to sterilized liter jars and fill them with grape juice.

  7. We twist the lids and put in a deep saucepan. Completely fill with water: it should cover the cans per centimeter.

  8. We pasteurize a liter glass container with a compote of peaches for about seventeen minutes.

  9. We cool fruit jars at room temperature.

Recipe 7. Stewed peaches for the winter in a plum fill


• three kg of peaches;

• one cup of sugar;

• half a liter of hot water;

• one liter of unsweetened plum juice.

Cooking method:

  1. Washed peaches put in hot water. Cook the fruit for about ten minutes.

  2. Then we shift the peaches into cold water. Peel the fruits from the skin, remove the seeds and cut into four parts.

  3. We dilute the plum juice with half a liter of water, in which peaches were boiled before. Pour sugar. We put on the fire and bring to a boil.

  4. We put peaches in clean jars, filling them a little more than half.

  5. Pour to the top with hot plum juice and immediately twist.

  6. We hide the jars under the blanket. When they cool down, we shift to the pantry and make an appointment in the winter.

Recipe 8. Peach compote for the winter in Georgian


• peaches;

• sugar - 450 gr. on a three-liter jar.

Cooking method:

  1. We clear peaches from a stone and cut into slices.

  2. We put them in a three-liter jar to half. Add granulated sugar.

  3. Pour cold and clean water into the jar.

  4. Cover with steamed lids. Put the container with the fruit in a deep saucepan. Carefully fill with water so that it reaches the middle of the can.

  5. After boiling, we detect it for fifteen minutes and then carefully unload the glass dish with fruits.

  6. Hermetically tighten the lids. Cool at room temperature.

  7. We store compote in a dark and cool room.

Recipe 9. Peach compote for the winter with honey and rum


• three kg of peaches;

• one liter of water;

• 0.75 kg of sugar;

• 0.25 kg of honey;

• 10 gr. citric acid;

• rum.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the fruits and put in a colander. Dip in boiling water, in which citric acid was previously dissolved, for a couple of minutes. We take out and immediately fill with cold water. Remove the skin, cut in half and remove the seeds.

  2. Halves of peaches are laid down to the bottom of a clean jar.

  3. Boil the water and dissolve the sugar in it. Add honey.

  4. Pour jars of fruit with hot syrup. Pour rum into each (a teaspoon per liter container).

  5. Hermetically roll clean lids.

  6. Leave to cool in the corner of the kitchen.

Recipe 10. Peach compote for the winter with lemon


• one kg of peaches;

• lemon;

• 0.6 kg of sugar per liter of filling.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepared peaches are cut in half and remove the stone. Then we divide into two more parts. Quarters came out.

  2. With a sharp knife, remove the skin.

  3. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze the juice directly into slices of peaches.

  4. Fill the jars with fruit for 2/3 of the volume.

  5. Pour sugar in heated water, stir to dissolve faster.

  6. Bring the syrup to a boil, filter through a two-layer cheesecloth and let cool completely.

  7. Pour sweet water into jars. The syrup should only cover the fruits and not reach the neck for five centimeters.

  8. Cover and sterilize for at least 15 minutes.

  9. Twist and leave to cool without wrapping.

Compote peaches for the winter - tricks and tips

  • The characteristic fluff can be easily removed if you leave the fruit for five minutes in water with a small amount of soda.
  • It is easier to remove a stone like this: we cut a peach with a knife along the furrow and remove it.
  • Choose fruits without damage to small or medium size. Such peaches are more convenient to get out of the can.
  • From the seeds you can grow a new tree. They need to be buried to a depth of 8 cm and watered.
  • So that peaches do not darken during the removal of seeds and peels, the fruits can be stacked in cold water with a drop of citric acid.
  • When sterilizing, put a towel on the bottom of the pan.
  • If several cans are placed in the dishes, they should not touch.


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