Passiflora - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Passiflora - General Description

Passionflower (passion flower, cavalier star) - a plant with curly smooth stems, reaches 10 meters, green leaves above and gray below, flowers of light purple, white or red. The fruits reach the size of a chicken egg. Flowering continues throughout the summer months and ends in autumn.

Passiflora - types and places of growth

Passiflora was first discovered on the territory of North America, it is this area that is considered the original birthplace of the plant. Currently, passion flower is common in countries with a warm climate, for example, on the Asian and Australian continents, as well as in Polynesia. The plant loves heat and moisture.

Passiflora - healing properties

Passiflora has a tangible medicinal effect, with its help they relieve a person of nervous disorders, insomnia, relieve rheumatic pains and cramps, and the plant normalizes hormonal balance. Passiflora extract is taken with high blood pressure. The cavalier star helps restore heart function in case of disturbances in the cardiovascular system. Often the plant is used for frequent asthma attacks.

Passiflora has the most pronounced effect in combination with hops, valerian and St. John's wort.
With the help of passionflower extract, alcoholism is treated, however, it is necessary to be prepared for the fact that this process will require a lot of time (from 4 months to a year).

Passiflora - dosage forms

For medicinal purposes, all the aboveground parts of the plant are collected, collected during flowering and carefully dried in the fresh air.

Passiflora is used both in official medicine and in folk medicine. In a pharmacy you can always buy Passiflora extract, it is used as a homeopathic tincture and is extracted from plants of cultural plantings. A pharmacy drug is used undiluted, patients take it 20-40 drops three times a day. In folk medicine, a medicinal tea is prepared from a dried plant.

Passiflora - recipes

The recipe for medicinal tea based on passionflower
One teaspoon of dried and ground passionflower grass must be poured with 100-150 milliliters of boiling water, let the medicine infuse for 10 minutes, then strain through cheesecloth and drink tea from passionflower daily, one cup half an hour before bedtime in case of nervous anxiety, insomnia or disorders in the gastrointestinal tract (if it arose due to a nervous breakdown).

Passiflora - contraindications and side effects

Despite the fact that in many reference books it is written that the plant does not cause side effects and its intake is quite acceptable for both adults and children, some points should still be taken into account. For example, using this medicine without a doctor’s prescription for people who suffer from serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (chronic gastritis, ulcers, etc.), as well as arrhythmias and angina pectoris, is strictly contraindicated, otherwise there may be health problems.

You should not get carried away with taking tea from passionflower to people with low pressure, since the medicine has the ability to lower it, you should be especially careful when treating children with cavalier star extract or herb.

Pregnant women can drink medicinal tea, but in small quantities, but, again, it is better to consult a doctor.

Absolute contraindication for the use of passionflower is cerebral arteriosclerosis, the presence of uric acid salts in the body, myocardial infarction, and individual intolerance.


Tatyana 09/19/2016
Today, for the first time, I saw this flower of extraordinary beauty, fantasy, and I also revered the healing one! Yes, only positive emotions from contemplating it will help!

Vera 06/20/2016
Here's how I felt. I couldn’t take them. I slept. She was sleeping. And the heart made itself felt, although she underwent surgery from arrhythmia.

Vera 06/20/2016
Pasiflora grows in our place instead of a fence, it curls very well and we made a canopy from it over the entrance to the house. There are a lot of fruit. Children eat with pleasure. But pills calmeneurin. Where Paciflora comes in. It turns out they can do harm. I took them for the night. to sleep better. and I have arrhythmia.

Jackdaw 05/02/2016
What are the names of this plant are interesting - passionflower and passionflower. The first one can still be understood somehow, but the second ... In general, a very interesting flower, probably not even similar ones. Although ... You never know, where else it grows, you don’t know what to be surprised already.

Lika 05/02/2016
But I’m wondering, it’s written that passionflower can be cured of alcoholism, but the process is lengthy. And the question is - how was it checked, stubbornly someone watered this plant during the year, not hoping for a result?)))


Watch the video: Get a Good Night's Sleep with Passionflower (July 2024).